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Re-enlightening and illuminating the best creative path in this imaginative medium of the time DIA space, created by their active and creative participants within it, understood in terms of continuous refinement of the created dialectical interactive content while maintaining the best quality of expressed thoughts. To achieve this objective, all these dialectical contents have to pass through the numerous sieves set in (dialectical interactive) process, that in fact leads to the creation of (higher) knowledge. To be reduced in the greatest feasible degree the undesireable partiality during these initiated dialectical interactively creative processes, the emancipation and dissociation of their participants from time to time of the well-known earthly shacles is desired, that is, meeting the "face to face" with God DIA in the face of God.

Pay thy attention, that the emissaries of God are also all the time DIA appropriate space present among you [mostly as passive observers, even if they are not aware of it], intervening only in the case when the desired direction of the initiated dialectical interactive processes (key-events) on the world level turned to the unwished (evil) direction. However, if someone of them, after (many) attempts to re-enlighten the Inner Being DIA Inmost One, managed to recognise the true purpose of her, his life mission, respectively to begin with the following path of (further) inner illumination, this very complex dialecticall content belongs to another story. This aspect of the dialectical content under consideration was also demonstrated in this symbolically presented and interpreted dialectos by Elihu.

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