Network's Way of Thinking seen from the Dialectic Perspective

In the "International Netmodal Management Process", read the previous creative article, WISHED PICTURE was imagined, understood, as well as presented as a FUTURE (created) picture ("screenshot") of the (current picture of) established network. One way of understanding networks is to view them as three interrelated and interconnected dimensions, which exist between and among ACTORS, the needed ACTIVITIES and RESOURCES for its establishment (Network approach: Haakansson and Johanson, 1986). In this project study, the Big Picture was transformed in humane terms in a Great Picture. Since in a network of involved actors, activities and resources of the network approach was very difficult to see the wood for trees, the the fundamental ideas of the network approach had to be further structured. This was done by Easton (1992), who solved this creative challenge using these four metaphors: networks as relationships, networks as positions, networks as structures and networks as processes. In the "International Netmodal Management Process" (Jovanović, 1996), these four metaphors of the network were fragmented even further, into simpler compounds, and then dialectically synthesized by presenting the network approach, based on the three fundamental network elements: TRUST, POWER (distribution) and (common) INTERESTS, which together with the elements KNOWLEDGE and INTERACTIVITY DIA INTERDEPENDENCY among the participating actors, makes five basic network aspects. All these five aspects are dialectically interrelated with each other, understood in terms of the (common) INTENTIONALITY of partakers of the established network.
- Recall, the intentionality is not the same as intentions; it is the dimension behind intentions. It is through intentionality that we bridge the gap between subjects and objects by molding objects according to our purpose (and goals). This ability to be created the wished environment is called intentionality (Arbnor & Bjerke, 1997).
On the basis of these five aspects of the network was developed by me (1996) a netmodal management model, which was focused on the management of these five network aspects, as well as on the building dialectical (inter)relations between and among them. For instance, the focus of the relationship net-module is on the establishment, building, and maintenance of relations and RELATIONSHIPS between (humane) individuals (actors).
Although relationship building involves all five network aspects, the trust was chosen by me, as the most important (relevant) aspect of network among them, during the process of building and maintaining (the established) relationships. In other words, trust was chosen to be a means, trigger, driver as well as an objective during this particular (RELATIONAL) netmodal process. For this reason, relationship net-module was focused on the management of trust between involved (humane) individuals (actors), both in the created actor-net, as well as in the whole (global) network (Great Picture). Using this analogy, position net-module was focused on the management of the issues of power (distribution), whereas the structure net-module was preoccupied by the management of the (common and mutual) interests. On the other hand, process net-module, as a resulting net-module (understood in terms of a spiral not a circle) was focused on the management of knowledge; both on its creating as well as on its renewal over the passage of time DIA space. While these four net-modules were preoccupied by management of the network aspects and the related relationship's, positional, structural and processual issues, providing that the international netmodal management process is easier understood and operationalized by the involved actors (as individuals: in the role of employees, suppliers, buyers, distributors, ....), the developing netmode was dealing with the overall network aspects. Particularly, with the last mentioned network aspect: Interdependency, externally manifested through necessary interactivity between and among the included partakers (actors), understood in terms of carrying out their common intentionality in the living reality, based on their shared value system.

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
In other words, the desirable Great Picture of the network was broken into four net-modules to be easier understood and operationalized by the involved actors. Because each division of dynamics and the initiated dialectical processes, as well as the DIALECTICAL reality created in such a way is artificial, it is important to emphasize that there are no fixed boundaries among net-modules, because they DIA the five fundamental aspects of network are dialectically (inter)related, overlapped and interwoven with each other, that is, they complement, supplement and condition existence of each other. For this reason, the focus of the developing netmode is on the interdependency and interactivity between and among them, understood in terms of the continual referring to the "painted" Great Picture, followed with a continual renewal of it in terms of both time and space, for purpose of providing conditions that the developing netmode, seen from standpoint of the INTENTIONALITY of involved actors, is in line with the living (working, business, societal, global) reality. Seen from the conventional perspective, the role of relationship net-module and position net-module is mainly management and achievement of the relatively "SHORT-TERM" objectives of actors
- [participating humane individuals: in this public, official, corporate life, reflected through the prism of their various manifestations and social roles in everyday life as mother, father, son, daughter, consumer....],
whereas the structure net-module and process net-module belong to the realm of LONG-RUN NETMODAL CONSIDERATIONS. In netmodal terms, the meaning of the notions short-term and long-term horizon in measurable (quantitative) sense is very difficult to establish and determine. Although, building a relationship, or a position in the network needs time (DIA the appropriate space), the "short-term <---> long-term" horizon was determined in terms of that building a network structure, or carrying out a process (of creation of a new knowledge) IS MORE TIME (DIA SPACE) CONSUMING than the building a relationship, or a position within the established marknet DIA numerous actor-nets. If I - thou - we put the relationship, position, structure and process net-modules in the "Dialectic Framework for Orientation in Time DIA Space", respecting the previously interpreted time horizons DIA the appropriate space scope of net-modules, I - thou - we are able to understand, why time horizons in the measurable (quantitative) sense is so difficult to determine and present. In the figure 3.2, process of development of a netmode was presented in a dialectical way by applying the Dialectic Interactive Approach (Jovanović, 1999).
Netmodal Management Model and its Net-modules seen from this Dialectical Perspective

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
Source: Proposal for a Potential Ph.D. Dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark:
"Netmode – the Strategy for 21st Century – Dialectic Interactive Approach, Jovanović, 1999"
In the figure 3.2, the Relationship net-module was compounded by the following two triangles:
- A0 which presents personal and collective impression of the existing level of trust of involved actors inside the Great Picture of the wished network
- +A which presents desirable and potential level of trust of involved actors inside the Great Picture of the wished network
while the Position net-module consists of these two triangles:
- B0 which presents personal and collective impression of the existing level of power (distribution) of involved actors inside the Great Picture of the desired network
- + B which presents embedded personal and collective power (distribution) of involved actors inside the Great Picture of the desired network
The boundaries of triangles (A0+A) are dependent on the intentionality of the involved human individuals (partakers) DIA their trust, understood in terms of dialects - spirit DIA mind, whereas boundaries of triangles (B0-B) are dependent on the intentionality of the partakers regarding the issues of power (distribution), understood in terms of dialects - matter DIA reason dia mind. If I - thou - we apply the afore interpreted knowledge of dialectics, it is noticeable that although triangle of the dialect - spirit (+A) was "copied" into medium of mind dia reason (triangle A0), they are not qualitatively identical because simultaneously was "copied" the triangle of the dialect - matter (-B) into the medium of reason dia mind (the triangle B0). In other words, dialects - spirit and matter were dialectically met, metamorphosed and converged in the medium - mind dia reason by the (time) intentionality of the included actors, understood in terms of both trust and issues of power (distribution) of these actors. As a result of this dialectical meeting, the DESIRABLE AND POTENTIAL level of (the achieved) trust was presented (re-defined) in the medium of the dialect - mind dia reason, as personally and collectively acquired impression of the EXISTING level of trust within established networks of the wished "Great Picture", whereas the embedded PERSONAL AND COLLECTIVE power (distribution) of the formed network DIA actor-nets, was presented, as personal and collective impression about the EXISTING level of power (distribution) of the involved actors in the realized Great Picture. Seen from the perspective of this dialectical way of thinking, the dialects trust and power (distribution) are CONSTANTLY IN A DIALECTICAL TENSION WITH EACH OTHER, that can be manifested in different ways (in the business, societal, political and life reality).
In the figure 3.2, the long term orientation in time DIA space was encompassed by the structure net-module and process net-module. Structure net-module encompasses the following two triangles:
- C0 which presents personal and collective (common and mutual) interests in the established networks of the Great Picture.
- -C which presents established and embedded personal and collective interests in the established networks of the Great Picture
while the process net-module consists of the other two triangles:
- D0 which presents the accumulated personal and collective knowledge in the established networks of the Great Picture
- +D which presents the desirable and potential knowledge in the established networks of the Great Picture.

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
Seen from the standpoint of space dimension, it is noticeable that the dialect - trust is (more) related to the dialect SPIRIT, whereas the dialect - power (distribution) is more connected with the dialect - MATTER. On the other hand, considering this dialectical content in terms of the time dimension, it might be argued that the dialect - interests are rooted in the PAST, whereas the dialect - knowledge is more driven by the FUTURE. All of them, trust, power (distribution), (common) interests, and knowledge are dialectically converged by the initiated creatively interactive processes, understood in terms of the intentionality of the involved individuals (actors) in the medium: (emotively emotional dia physical) PRESENCE DIA MIND (dia reason for doing it), which was presented, comprised, and dialectically synthesized by the centrally positioned zero. In netmodal terms, the dialect - knowledge (for instance, a new developed strategy) is a final outcome and goal of the dialectical interplay between and among trust, power (distribution) and (common) interests, understood in terms of the interactivity and interdependency of the participating individuals (actors). Seen from the perspective of the "Dialectic Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time DIA Space", it might be argued that this created knowledge, firstly, appeared from "nothing" (pora-spora: point-puncture), as an imaginative point, Great Idea (as a result of the internal interaction). From this point was drawn by trust the line (thesis) [act of external interaction DIA expression of that idea by the corresponding thoughts], otherwise it would not be externalized by the individual-creator [if (s)he did not trust into it]. This line (thesis) was dialectically met by another line(s) (antithesis), understood in terms of the dialect - power (distribution: multifaceted interaction). As a result of the initiated dialectical creatively interactive processes, the lines were touched in the point of (common) interests, understood in terms of time DIA space. By the third line was agreed (triangle) a common platform (synthesis) for the creating new knowledge (DIA renewed thesis) and so on until a temporary conclusion is achieved: netmode (strategy).
Dialectical Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time DIA Space

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
Source: Proposal for a Potential Ph.D. Dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark: "Netmode – the Strategy for 21st Century – Dialectic Interactive Approach, Jovanović, 1999"
In other words, the desirable (dynamic) great picture of the marknet (networked market) DIA established network of actor-nets in time DIA space was at first "made static and divided" into four net-modules, in order to be later further in more details reconstructured ("painted again"), understood in terms of establishment of the (future) needed relationships, positions, structures and released creative processes (two triangles: in terms of time in space). Or more simply said, the accomplishment and the operationalization of relationship net-module, position net-module, structure net-module, and process net-module should provide that the developing netmode is in line (harmony) with the (living DIA) business reality. In netmodal terminology, this prelude (introductory part) to dialectical creatively interactive process of carrying out the agreed (creative) platform is termed as a PRELIMINARY NETMODE. The resulting (virtual, netmodal) projects, focused on DIA gathered around the creating knowledge (fourth triangle), will be carried out in terms of the space in time (matter embedded in past). The network elements, trust, power and interests without the resulting new (deeper) knowledge
- creatively creating processes, understood in terms of the common intentionality of involved actors, which was acomplished by the established relationships, emerged positions, structures and initiated (creative) processes (of interdependency DIA interactivity of the involved actors and individuals), and managed by these four net-modules,
are not able to make a change in the firmly structuralized environment (of the marknet). In dialectical sense, without a (renewed, or new) created knowledge, involved actornets are unable to break the existing compressed ellipse (symbolized by the centrally positioned zero) into a ("big-bang-like") spiral.
For this reason, the developing netmode should be focused on supporting the changes already made in the (global) network [DIA the continual making additional (necessary) changes], together with other actor-nets (of virtual companies), as well as on the exploitation of these made opportunities, understood in terms of the stabilization and harmonization of the initiated dialectical DIA dynamic processes, which were caused and initiated by these changes. In other words, such a made breakthrough, in particular, a great one, created DIA set in progress by this new-created knowledge will, by definition, DESTABILISE the existing (global) environment, as well as the established network structures (marknet). As an example, just reconsider, how such a big (creative) breakthrough ("Big-Bang"), which managed to germinate through the old established structures, as it is, for example, the (new) created knowledge, which caused unprecedented GLOBAL information technological revolution, with its core technology, known as the internet, was able to make changes in the way on which the business is done, as well as has changed the way I - thou - we are working and living. Something like this was not seen since the age of the big industrial revolution. In other words, this suddenly has made obsolete the existing qualifications, skills and the related working experience, .... existing (business) models of reality. As a consequence of this breakthrough, individuals, families, companies, .... have to invest into buying new equipment, facilities, and especially into human resources to be acquired and adopted this new knowledge, that is, to be (cap)able, to follow or to be joined to this (new) tecnological, social, and cultural trend.
This is also a big challenge for strategists because they have to make many strategic decisions in a relatively narrowed horizon of time, but in the widest spatial scope. In other words, whereas some individuals (or other actors) has greeted this new knowledge as a long-awaited breakthrough, for many others this presents a problem (threat) for their business (survival). Seen from the standpoint of network approach, understood in terms of the developed netmodal management model, these contradictions between the forces of dynamisation and stabilization can only dialectically brought to a balance (resolved) by the establishing of new relationships and remaking old ones in the marknet (networked market) DIA networks of rebuilt actor-nets (dialectics), in order TO BE INCLUDED AND EMBEDDED these new facts [(restructured) actor-nets of actors, their activities, new knowledge and other resources] into this reconstructed marknet of actor-nets organized differently [(global) network structure]. In addition to this, new dia-processes of the restructured networks have to be launched too, related to this new way and approach to the (deepening and) creating new knowledge, based on these new facts and changes in the (living, working and) business environment [(global) network].
From the previously said, follows that the trust, power, interests and knowledge DIA intentionality, understood in terms of interdependency of the included partakers, trigger and drive the process of INTERACTIVITY regarding the appropriate initiated interactive (creating) processes, organized into a (virtual or netmodal) project(s). As a result of that, the developing netmode is an external interpretation of these multiple (multifaceted) intentionalities of partakers, thereby dealing with coordination of their trust, power (distribution), (common) interests, aspects and issues of creation knowledge, and especialy, with the interdependency between and among them, demanding the creative interaction of all involved partakers in order to be carried out their (common and shared) intentionality. In other words, netmode is a creative framework based on knowledge, which is a dimension in front of the intentionality of the involved individuals (actors), but behind the launched project(s) (because their intentionality pushes them).
How this goal will be achieved, seen from the (dialectically) long-run perspective, is also defined by the netMode (strategy). Generally speaking, whereas the sub-constituents (dialects) of the netmode (its four net-modules) are more focused on the process of dynamisation DIA stabilization of the established network, understood in terms of synchronization and harmonization of the made changes by creating (and deepening) knowledge DIA exploiting it, the netmode, as a knowledgeable and creative framework, was more focused on the WISDOM, that is, how this could be achieved in dialectical understanding of time DIA space (dialectical comprehension of the meaning "long-run"), for the good of involved actors (individuals) in the marknet DIA the established networks of actor-nets, understood in terms of providing a deeper insight into this dialectically interactive content under creative consideration. For this reason, understood in terms of appropriate (methodological) reconsiderations of this deeper insight into the meaning of time DIA space, pay thy attention that in the netmodal (strategic) approach, the well-known slogan "the knowledge is the power" (which was included as such one in the process net-module) was subordinated DIA replaced by the motto "the (acquired) wisdom (of the time DIA space) is the true power and might", and as such one was included (and continually reconsidered) in this netmodal approach of solving (business) challenges by being always in the mind of netModal strategists (NetModists) during developing NetMode.
a free interactive market with recognizable faces
In order to be reconciled all these initiated dialectical processes, as well as to be mitigated the consequences of potential conflictual scenarios in time DIA appropriate situations in space, the focus of this netmodal approach was put on humane issues, aspects and the suitable value system, the purpose of which was the establishing and building relationships, connecting them using these humane (creative) interactions into a network of the established actor-nets, accordingly gathering together the established (virtual) companies around this humane value system, understood in terms of both time and the appropriate space. The main idea behind this focus on humane aspects and issues regarding the building a (humane) network of actor-nets (thesis) versus achieving this goal exclusively by means of mechanism of the (raw) faceless market (antithesis), understood in terms of establishing an appropriate marknet (synthesis DIA the renewed thesis: network of actor-nets) is that the facelessness of market will gradually vanish
- [revealing thereby employee(s) DIA employer(s) (and shareholders), consumers DIA customers, buyers DIA suppliers, distributors DIA ....]
in order to be further transformed into humane individuals with VISIBLE faces (process of humanisation)
- [unmasking them as citizen(s), as member(s) of a society DIA a member(s) of the family, a member(s) of the continually recreated and transfigured marknet DIA a member(s) of an actor-nets]
due to the humane value system and appropriate attributes, which were implanted into each relationship, built in this way. In a broader and deeper sense, in such a networked environment is desired interchangeability of positions of the partakers within the established marknet, in order to be prevented ossification of the established network(s). Seen from this dialectical perspective, the purpose of these measures is that the "faceless(ness of)" market will be transformed in the future through these dialectical interactively creative processes into a softer (more humane) ambience (marknet), which will allow (humane) creative individuals (actors), through interchange of ideas, information, knowledge and humane value system, generally speaking, to be in-seen both good and bad faces (sides) of market. Especially, the good sides and good (human and humane) FACES of this established marknet. As a result of these dialectically multifaceted processes, the creator of this methodological approach argues, market will become in the (remote) future A FREE MEDIUM, consisting of the free but interactive and (self-)responsible individuals, who will be mindually DIA spiritually empowered to self-control themselves.
Natiocratic Selfie Epilogue
It should be emphasized here that with the use or implementation of the term "SELF-" in each kind of manifestation of the natiocratic way of societal organizing should be very carefull. In short, in my opinion, implementation of this typical INDIVIDUAL notion in terms of crowd (mob) DIA group way of thinking is doomed in advance to a disaster. A good example of such a way of thinking was the transferring greater share of power (distribution) and rights to workers (note, NOT to a concrete worker) in the concept of self-management (of workers?), which was applied in this crowd-way in Ex-Yugoslavia. Namely, those-days communistic natiocratic elite attempted to carry out this natiocratic idea without demanding some kind of the "self-responsibility", actually, any kind of responsibility, because no form of specific authorization was not given, apart from some kind of the socialistic manifestation of a FORMAL rights, or voting and electing. On the other hand, how it could be done in other way with a such crowded term: "workers". This is an additional proof that a societal category of crowd (state, workers, people, for example), or a corresponding group entity (company, for example) is not feasible to HUMANISE: In this particular case, understood in terms of increasing level of the consciousness of these societal categories DIA prick of conscience (!?), mindual (DIA spiritual self-) empowerment, and the like, as it natiocrats worldwide still try to achieve.
In other words, in spite of this aforementioned, it seems, this approach is still valid for various natiocratic "empty catchwords", such as, for example, their understanding of the concepts of self-empowerment and self-control ("self-management"), which has nothing in common with my understanding of their real meaning because the crowd DIA group way of thinking has no alternative nor they allow creation of it, that is, to be developed a different approach, based on the individual way of thinking. In natiocracy simply, something like that doesn't exist, NOR THIS IS TOLERATED by the guardians of the already established natiocratic political systems. As a result of that, despite fall of traditional communism, the world of natiocratic empty words, developed for cultivation DIA exploitation of the cult of crowd [note, this typical natiocratic way of decorating faceless ‘state’, or concept of self-management with the 'face' of workers], continues to live, for example, in the famous western "empty 'hocus pocus' catchword" DIA the suitable crowd-concept of "HUMAN RIGHTS". In short, it should be solved first the issues of the production and creation [working conditions, rights of workers and knowledge creators instead of division of them in various castes: with different rights for the same done job, or giving them formal rights, or no rights at all], and then the issues of various consumers [health and safety protection of privileged, higher natiocratic castes], including "human rights" as well.
I hope, it is not difficult to recognize these well-known natiocratic ways of the redirection and running away from confrontation with the real (causes of) created problems and challenges in the societal organizing. Continuation of this way of "creative" traveling through the "natiocratic understanding of time and space", without an end, leads to nowhere. But I hope, it managed me to conjure up DIA convince the lastest sceptic of the human and humane genus that only on the individual level (of some kind of a LIVING being), there is feasibility (chance) of achieving the aforementioned. In other words, seen from this human perspective, there are greater chances to be achieved this with a dog, a goose, a chicken ... than with a "state", "workers", "people”, "dogs".... as well as with the numerous natiocratic PROPONENTS of this inhuman way of thinking. For this reason, this inhuman way of thinking was abandoned by this (great) humane individual in order to be replaced with a (more human and humane) creative INDIVIDUAL way of thinking. In this approach, the good (humane) individual beings are distinguished from the bad (evil) ones by implementing the appropriate concept of distinguishing good from evil.
The next step, whose seeds are already scattered (sown) through ideas of the "International Netmodal Management Process" will be culmination of these initiated dialectical processes, which follow integration (synthesis) of the faceless market and companies on the previously explained and elaborated way (of the re-individualisation and humanisation of its participants). I'm talking about SETTING FREE partakers of the "faceless" market, understood in terms of the emergence and appearance of true faces of these set free humane individuals. Whatever the near future brings, the (distant) FUTURE BELONGS TO THE HUMANE INDIVIDUALS with a deep human root, gathered around the appropriate humane value system. The reason for this self-confidence of mine is simple. As it afore was argued, any kind of societal manifestation of the mob (world, state, state apparatus, nation, people) DIA corresponding group entities (company, an institution of state, university ...), as it (still?) stubbornly claim the ideologists and proponents of the ruling mob DIA group way of thinking is NOT FEASIBLE TO BE MADE (MORE) HUMAN AND HUMANE, thereby in vain trying to achieve and prove it in the working and business reality (in the form of organization culture), as well as in the living reality, by using various means for mass DIA group hypnosis, without PREVIOUSLY to be made (more) human and humane (for beginning key-) individuals WITHIN SUCH CREATED SOCIETAL FORMATIONS. And as sooner this inhuman crowd dia group way of thinking was deserted as better!
As a result of this manifestation of dehumanization through various ways of crowding DIA grouping inhabitants in different kinds of "faceless" organizations and institutions, in the all natiocratic orders were widely spread out various kinds of worshipping CULTS of the mob DIA group[of the state, market, company ... leadership], behind which were always reflected images of their hand-made 'icons' of idols, in purpose of easier carrying out of the personal but very narrow-minded interests of the ruling natiocratic elite. Actually, here word goes about persons with (at least) two faces ("skin covers"), an official (mobbed DIA grouped 'colored') "face and appearance" [a mask used and carried on in the public, official life], whereas the second cover of color of skin, hidden below this public, official mask, is actually the (inborn) individual face of this same person, that means, without the mask, recognizable (perhaps only) within their families, and the circle of close friends of theirs. Unfortunately, some of them are no satisfied with this casual public, official life but dress themselves with an aditional mask and GLOVES (including mantle) of (color of) darkness, which is 'invisible' to others (according to them) because of the misuse of given power and might. Anyway, abandoning following the path of evil of these non-human species, as well as their inhuman approach towards life DIA living, is recommendable to be done by the individuals, who still posses, at least, a germ of the HUMAN ROOT. And the sooner the better.