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Virtual Company

The White Angel


  • Implications of the Information Technology on International Strategic Management Process: Virtual Company, Jovanović, 1996 (9th semester's project study)
  • International Netmodal Management Process - Internationalisation Strategy for Virtual Software Companies - a Network approach, Jovanović, 1997 (Master's Thesis).
  • Network versus Market (Preliminary PhD proposal - Copenhagen Business School, Jovanović, 1999)
  • Netmode - The Strategy for the 21st century - Dialectic Interactive Approach, Jovanović, 1999.

The Human Being


Virtual Organising: In the past, traditional work occurred in a fixed location (building) during business hours. Today, as a result of advances in IT there is a clear trend towards structuring business processes so that work is committed wherever and whenever it is the most suitable and applicable for the involved individuals and actors (Davidow H. Wiliam and Malone S. Michael, 1992). In other words, the progress in IT and technology in general, changed the nature of workplace. Simultaneously, the nature of business is changing. The change is characterised by increasing content of information and knowledge. In addition to the interpreted, it was noticed, that actors are developing closer links with their suppliers, distributors, customers even competitors. As a result of these multiple dialectical processes, there is a tendency of a form of integration (synthesis) the former distinctly separated terms: Company and market. An implication of this evolving process is the emergence of the concept of virtual organising. Virtual organising crosses (removes) traditional boundaries between and among involved actors (individuals), where projects, not organisational units, are basic ways of business organising. In this way of organising, actors, virtual employees (professionals) of diversified background, supported (globally) by the IT, are joined into teams to work together on the project(s). The presented concept of virtual organising embraces the way and ideas a virtual company was organised, as well as the process of virtualisation in the large companies. In its broadest meaning, the concept of virtual organising comprises strategic alliances and contractual entry modes, which were predecessors of virtual organising, based on the strategic way of thinking.

The White Angel

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Virtual company conducts business and carries out its mission and the related objectives DIA interactivity, through the establishing related relationships and teamwork. Here, virtual professionals (actors) are working together on a project(s), led by a project manager. The project is organised around the netmode (strategy) in purpose of the creating knowledge in/of time DIA space. For such a project, teams are formed, resources are assembled and activities are arranged to be accomplished this project. Because of the fact that building of trust DIA the establishing relationships takes the time, by the means of the empowered teams, involving virtual professionals and consultants, this process can be accelerated. In addition to this, to each team leader is allowed to maintain her/his own personal network, as well as to each team member is allowed to use her/his own informal network of relationships, including the more flexible working models. In principle, each virtual employee is free to set up a video (teleworking) base at home and does not have to turn up at the virtual office every day. This freedom and flexibility enables faster forming teams, as well as of the creative environment and the related cosy atmosphere, where virtual employees can freely release their imagination and creativity. The co-ordination of day-to-day communication, activities and supporting is done by a virtual help desk, whereas the co-ordination of netmodal (strategic) activities, resources and projects is the task of a virtual headquarters (coordinator). After the completion of the project(s), the established virtual company can be smoothly disbanded (splited up) again, its actors (virtual professionals) find new assignments in perhaps other parts of the world to pursue new creative opportunities and the related projects.

The Human Being


The above interpreted concept of virtual company is very appropriate and suitable for the emerging and small companies, particularly, for those positioned in the information and knowledge contained (intensive) business. Unfortunately, large companies cannot simply dissolve themselves and start their business life from the beginning. In a short run, they cannot fit their traditional organisational structure to the changes in the environment caused by the social, technological and internationalisation revolution, nor change the traditional ideas, managerial, employees’ attitudes, way of thinking and the related organisational culture. Nevertheless, they can and should do it "gradually".

The White Angel

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Challenges in the Implementation of Virtual Organising:

The concept of virtual organising, previously interpreted, has presented the fundamental assumptions and original ideas, how this concept was imagined at the down of the IT revolution. To remind me / thou / us, it was time DIA space of the fall of Berlin Wall and communism, as well as flourishing of the internationalisation, social and technological revolution, particularly IT and the emergence of a new phenomenon and global communication medium, which will later become known as the internet. In short, it was the time of great change(s), hope and the related expectations. It seemed in those times that the conventional boundaries and divisions, both within the world, network structures and societies, were overcome leading to an unprecedented level of openness, trust, freedom, the free (and unrestrained) access, sharing and exchange of information, data and knowledge. Or more simply said, it seemed that these events and developments will collapse the conventional concepts of time and space and the related conventional (militant) way of thinking. Or at least, this will happen within the established (political, military, economic) network structures. Ten years later the environment is still hard and driven by the more or less same way of thinking. Thus, in the everyday business life the ideas of virtual organising are often adapted to the short-term "problems" (challenges) in time DIA space met by actors (management) in the existing hard (material) environment. These hybrid interpretations and implementations of the concept of virtual organising are (will) not be able to solve successfully the "problems", respectively challenges, which are met frequently by management of these companies, still organized on the conventional way of thinking. This conflict is due to the fundamental assumptions on which were built the existing hard environment and the related conventional concepts of organising versus of the need for a more softly living DIA business environment, in order to be feasible successful implementation of the basic ideas of virtual organising. Namely, the concept of virtual organising was built on a so fundamental assumption, interpreted in the everyday language as the TRUST (CONFIDENCE).

The Human Being


Furthermore, there is a visible tendency, where the proponents of traditional way of thinking are trying to impregnate with the concept of virtual organizing the old inherited "problems" (re)dressed into "new (modern)" stories (reinterpretations). In other words, they would like to "enrich" the concept of virtual organizing in the similar way, as it was done many times in the past by the similar "well-wishers", when a new idea or concept appeared (emerged) in the business world scene.

  • In those times, citations from the Holy Books and Scripture were not used in creative purposes. Today, all this aforementioned could be expressed and supported by the following words of Christ - Mark-2:21-22:
  • "... None-one pours new wine into old wineskin", and everyone would understand this dialectical content. Or would everyone understand this in time of being?

By using the everyday "scientific" language, this is presented and interpreted as problems in implementation of the ideas of virtual organizing in practice, seen as different barriers such as cultural, social, legal, political and the alike. The author of this project study, who is still proponent of original ideas of the concept of virtual organizing, does not deny the existence of specified "problems", respectively these challenges in time DIA space, interpreted dialectically as distances, diversities and differences, but wants to alert that in this case are roles mixed up. In other words, the managers, who are applying the available business concepts, related management tools and models are in right when crying for help. On the other hand, scientists, researchers, and in particular creators (of) knowledge have no right to afford themselves such an excuse because their job (task) is to offer a satisfactory creative response to these problems (challenges) in time DIA space, in the form of re(new)ed knowledge appropriate for this time DIA space.


The White Angel

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In addition to the interpreted, if creators (of) knowledge would allow old problems to be inserted, impregnated and masked by a new terminology in(to) a new concept, the related thought is: What "news" was offered by such a kind of the "new" concept. Put in other words, if there were no problems or challenges in time DIA space, there would not be the need for a new concept. In dialectical terms, knowledge like an upshot of the creating process, should offer a satisfactory response to the everyday challenges, which I / thou / we meet in the everyday life, interpreted DIA a sensible coming positive change. Translated into scientific language, regarding the above interpreted "problems", the created knowledge, understood in terms of development of a new business (management) concept DIA a suitable approach, should be adapted to the space scope, and in particular to the anticipated time horizon, in which it will be implemented. Because the (Bio)Information Age has been already started, to be avoided the further transformation of these modern snobs and slaves of the dialect matter into a kind of bio-robots, new concepts, methodological approaches, including the related management tools and models, should be prepared and suited for it, by putting focus on THE TRIAD of the dialects spirit, mind, matter and the related (cap)abilities and human(e) values. Generally speaking, as sooner as possible, the creators (of) knowledge get rid of the inherited "old problems" and the related dilemmas in the creative (imaginative) sphere, as sooner will these problems, like a heritage of the past, be overcome in the material (objectified) sphere.

The Human Being


Because of the fact, that the major feature of the virtual organising DIA virtual company is temporality of the initiated projects, and thus theoretically the virtual company might be disbanded (any time) after finishing project(s), there is a need for a broader external environment DIA network: Actor-net. It is concerned by building a more external network environment in terms of orientation in time (long-run) for virtual professionals (employees), that is, having a (virtual) portal, where they can be informed at any time DIA space, what are their long-term prospects in this turbulent virtual environment. Or put it in an another way, although virtual professionals (employees) are temporally working for two (many different) virtual companies, they because of co-operation and collaboration during the implementation of the existing projects or previous ones already accomplished, thanks to the humane links DIA [(in)formal] networks, belong, in fact, to the same actor-net. Or more simply, they will, for example, give a call their (virtual) co-fellows, asking them for useful information related getting a new (virtual) job, respectively does any of them know, whether new projects will be launched by the existing owners of projects (venture/virtual creators), has any of the already involved individuals (actors) intention self to launch new projects anywhere, understood in terms of time DIA space and the like.

The White Angel

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The virtual discussion forums are important means of sharing and exchanging such a kind of information. In addition to this many useful links will be integrated by the virtual web portal DIA sites, which will help virtual professionals (employees) to orient themselves easier in the virtual environment. As a result, it will exist a virtual world (community) linked by ideas, information, knowledge and the related relationships, by using the internet infrastructure, as well as the human informal networks. In addition to this, the virtual employees (professionals) DIA venture creators (employers) will follow different ideas regarding the conduct of a business. As a pragmatic example, there are considerable differences in conducting business between the so-called "Microsoft way of doing IT business", "Sun-Java way of doing IT business", or "Oracle way of doing IT business" or "Linux way of doing business" or ?. In netmodal terms, they belong to different actor-nets, with difference that the "transfer" of virtual professionals (employees), as well as of the acquired experience, ideas, information and knowledge from an actor-net to the another one will not be sanctioned in the same way as it is case in the existing strategic environment. Keep in your mind, the netmodal environment (marknet) is much softer and humane than the existing strategic one, from the reasons already earlier outlined.

The Human Being


In other words, this broader framework allows involved individuals (actors, virtual professionals, employees) easier to structure themselves in the marknet DIA actor-net. It also involves setting up standards of virtual living and doing of business. The fundament of this broader framework presents the internet, intranet, extranet infrastructure and the related standards and technology. As an ideal for organising of a virtual company, in particular in the sphere of creating knowledge, will be family, whose role will be also more important. The way how the virtual company was established, that is, who gave the initiative and how were provided resources will, by definition, influence how individuals (virtual employees) are brought together, teams are formed, resources assembled and activities DIA creative actions undertaken for realisation of project(s). By the internet DIA extranet and intranet, as platform for doing business and ITC in general, was enabled the needed infrastructure for interchange of ideas, information and knowledge. Because projects are structured as movie-approach of doing business, owners of projects can go on the internet DIA (special virtual web-domain) extranets, present and interpret the project, select quickly the most (avail)able virtual professionals (employees), form teams, who could be scattered globally, gather the resources and undertake other necessary activities.

The White Angel

10 .

In addition to this, the internet technology allows virtual brokers to connect creative ideas of individuals and teams with potential venture creators (venture investors). If the common DIA mutual interest was found [PRELIMINARY netmode is ended], it is paved the way for establishment of a virtual company, followed by the development of netmode (internet strategy) by the management of the virtual company. The major task of the management is choosing DIA creating the key (basic) elements (dialects) in the (marknet DIA) actor-net in terms of time DIA space [key actors, key resources and key activities] for building relationships DIA strengthening positions, understood in terms of actor-net's structure DIA released long run processes within the actor-net. To be established, what is the "key" (essential) in marknet DIA actor-net is the major task of the management of virtual company. Generally speaking, as an orientation point, the key relationships DIA strengthening positions in the (global) network, deal with the creating new (deeper) knowledge DIA achievment of stability within the marknet DIA actor-net. In netmodal terms, this means, the stabilisation DIA dynamisation, understood in terms of synchronisation DIA the harmonisation of / among its consisting netmodules with the netmode, and with the business reality [big picture as the wished picture of DIA within marknet DIA actor-net) in time DIA space.

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