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Creative Capabilities of the Modern Mind seen from the Perspective of Creating Knowledge

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Fused Mind-Spirit

Creative Capabilities of the Modern Mind seen from the Perspective of Creating Knowledge

About Simple, Simpler, Simplest and Vulgar Mind

Manifestations of the Intellect DIA Intelligence in the Living Reality

READ the Next Part: Dialectical Concept of the Spiritual DIA Mindual Intelligence: Retrospective Recollection

Plato Timaeus - Part Two: A creative Traveling through the Dialectical Understanding of the Time DIA Space

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Fused Mind-Spirit

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF us

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space, as a Source of Ideas for the Bipolar Way of Thinking: Mind - Matter, Yes - No, 0 -1 ....


Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

In this creative article were considered limitations of the creative abilities of the fused (merged) mind," whose main PECULIARITY is the smoldering inner conflict between the dialects - mind and (the subordinated) spirit, while the abandoned (or weakened) vastness DIA place (hollow), which was originally predetermined for the (medium of) mind dia reason, is getting filled with the various MATERIALISTIC contents. In other words, various matter(ialistic) motives and incentives will by definition become prevalent in each EXTERNAL world (societal universe), within which this kind of the simple(st DIA vulgar) mind prevails. Keep in mind, this is a recognisable feature of the initiated process of the vulgarisation of a social community or of a society, generally speaking, as it will be later in more details discussed and elaborated. But in any way, compared to the dialectical understanding of space, it seems that this abandoned hollow (of darkness in "head": in inner being) serves as a kind of well-isolated buffer between these two (spiritually, and thus mindually also) separated worlds, which are based on different (building blocks of) understanding of the time "AND versus DIA" space.

As a result of this spiritual damping (suffocation) and mindual uniformisation (homogenisation), as a further consequence of the use of fused mind-spirit for the (creative) orientation in time and space, they are unable to hear ... to sense ... and to understand ANYTHING DIFFERENT that deviates from the firmly established thought patterns of the (recti) linear understanding of time and space, and the corresponding bipolar (OR-OR) dia binary (OR) way of thinking, manifested in the everyday reality, as the all - nothing, yes - no, true - false, 0 - 1, black - white and the like. Here, it is very important to emphasise that these different manners of orientation and corresponding abilities of the dialectical synthesising in time "AND versus DIA" space are not genetically (matter-like) determined, but rather it is individually determined (and inherited), that means, these aspects of the considered dialectical content are spiritual nature (a peculiarity of the inner DIA inmost being: The kingdom of ??). By reconsidering actual and past happenings in the living reality, it might be argued that those who use the fused mind-spirit for (creative) orientation in the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces have very limited (UNDERDEVELOPED) (cap) abilities of the dialectical synthesizing IN TIME DIA SPACE, understood in terms of their ability to span, to insee and to harness the essence of the past events.

Creative Capabilities of the Modern Mind seen from the Perspective of Creating Knowledge

Culture DIA Religion

The Background Simulative Methodological Assumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

The Methodological Creative Framework

The Ultimate DIA Probable Methodological Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

Apart from this, there were also considered basic aspects and features of this contemporary methodological approach towards the process of creating knowledge. Considered from the perspective of the dialectical interactive (methodological) approach, this "modern" approach to the creation of knowledge is characterised by THE SUPPRESSION, SUBDUING AND DEADENING OF SPIRITUAL ABILITIES (potential), as a consequence of the subordination of the dialect - spirit by the dialect - mind (actually by the dialect - reason) within the creative framework of the merged (fused) mind-spirit. This deficiency is manifested in the creative reality as the simple(st) mind operating, for example, implemented in the sense that the (hidden) knowledge contained in Holy Books and Scriptures, as well as in other antique and ancient sources, is not taken (seriously) into the scientific consideration, whereas the use of cultural treasure is generally very limited too.

In short, by the ignoring of the role of dialect - culture during the process of creating knowledge, it was prevented from making use, as well as the development of (cap) abilities of the LONG-TERM dialectical synthesising of such an enormous span of the time DIA suitable range of space (THOUSANDS OF YEARS), which encompasses and cross-bridges both past and future, understood in terms of using thy current physical dia creative (emotively emotional) PRESENCE, including the emotively emotional presence of the participants DIA THEIR GREAT (SPIRITUAL) IDEAS AND THOUGHTS of the gone past. In other words, it was not considered and included the WISDOM of past times (the dialect - past) in the final creative result, understood in terms of [the first of separating (unmerging) it as] thesis dia antithesis of the encompassed time DIA the appropriate space in order to be this complex dialectical content under creative consideration (properly) dialectically re-synthesised, understood in terms of the renewed thesis dia amended antithesis and so on using this dialectical way of the understanding of the time DIA space until a (TEMPORAL) conclusion was achieved.

During the process of creating knowledge within the realm of science, the implemented style of writing (as well as theoretical explanation) is a recognisable (RIGID) scientific one; even the use of the philosophical way of expression is also very limited, without mentioning the application of richness of the artistic way of expression (its linguistic dialects). To remind me, thee, us, the artistic way of expression is implemented in order to increase the necessary ELASTICITY, understood in terms of creating space for creative maneuvering and appropriate artistic finesse, during this kind of creative approach to the creation of (new) knowledge. Also, by reading these creative articles, pay thy attention, how this style of writing, which was applied by this creator of knowledge, and which is based on the pre-ancient methodological approach to the creation of knowledge

  • [in fact, the discovery of the unknown in the time DIA space, by placing a dialectical content under creative consideration in the Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Time DIA Space, in order to be more thorough and deeper, reconsidered through the prism of the great pyramid of culture, philosophy, art, and science],

significantly deviates from the previously described (contemporary: "modern") way of writing, sounding (a little bit) strange, unusual, and perhaps also archaic in your ears.

On the other hand, during the implementation of the "modern" (contemporary) approach and the way of creating knowledge, there is no interplay and the creative inter-pervading of dialects culture, philosophy, art, science in time [future, emotively emotional dia physical presence, past] DIA space [spirit, mind dia reason, matter]. For this reason, the (cap) abilities of a (deeper) dialectical synthesising IN TIME DIA SPACE of those who use the fused mind-spirit for (creative) orientation in time and space are very limited (UNDERDEVELOPED) as well as their ability to discern, to recognize and understand the true course of events of intertwined scenarios in time DIA adequate situations in space. On the contrary, in full agreement with this conception of the merged mind-spirit, which is in this case under creative consideration, all it WILL BE FUSED on a simple-minded (simply reasonable) way by this kind of mind, understood in terms of the implementation of the so-called crowd's DIA group way of thinking, depending on the stage of development of the simple mind and reason. In a few words, this kind of mind puts emphasis on the capabilities of the "head" (brain), that means, there is not enough "heart" in order to be attacked without flinching a spotted creative challenge in time DIA space; they can be relatively easily misguided in wrong creative direction, that means, they can heavily fall under the influence or be intimidated by the authority of the people, although it is obvious that they have much lower (simplest or even vulgar) mind-capabilities.

In either way, since the dialect - spirit was excluded from the 'modern' scientific consideration, due to its immeasurability (in mathematical terms), emerged on the light of day all (methodological) shortcomings and (creative) disadvantages of this "modern" scientific approach to creating knowledge, that means, difficulties, accordingly infeasibility of conceiving, comprehending and understanding of anything (any process), which is not of physical nature and character (dialect - matter). In other words, the evaluation of ideas and thoughts, and in particular of their final creative outcome, is still based on the abilities of five basic (scientific) senses: various manifestations of the basic postulates of scientific materialism. On the other hand, seen from the perspective of the dialectical interactive approach, these (EXTERNAL) experiences and limitations of THE DIALECT - PHYSICAL PRESENCE, such as, for example, the well-known paradox of Olber, ARE NOT ALSO VALID FOR THE DIALECT - EMOTIVELY EMOTIONAL PRESENCE. In other words, only this kind of the dialectical SPIRITUAL (creative) presence can peer into the IMMENSE, INVISIBLE INNER EXPANSES of dialectical worlds of TIME IN SPACE: future IN SPIRIT, as well as in the vast tiny (infinitesimal, diminutive) expanses of the micro-universe (the worlds of dialectuls).

Furthermore, it might be argued that these spiritual abilities are also a non-exhaustive source of every kind of (creative) inspiration, vision, intuition, feelings, ideas, thoughts, inventiveness, and creation, as well as, of the power of fantasy, dreams, IMAGINATION …. CREATIVITY and the like. Although some notions of this complex dialectical content can not be validated (be verified) in terms of this “modern” (methodological) scientific approach, for going far beyond the abilities and capabilities of perception by the five senses, respectively far beyond abilities of understanding of it by the simple (FUSED) mind, it cannot be denied the EXISTENCE and creative manifesting (factual reality) of these well-known notions. In short, this dialectical content, by being unphysical nature, demands per definition suitable nonphysical (non-material) dialect, instead of inappropriate scientific attempts of comprehension and understanding (DIA suitable translation) all and everything in physical terms, that means, validating of it from the point of view of the dialect – matter. And finally, why should be wasted a precious CREATIVE time DIA corresponding space on the invention of some kind of unphysical dialect, when the WELL-KNOWN dialect – spirit already existed since the immemorial times.

Static Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space, as a Fused-Minded Fundament for Coming into Being a Simple-Minded Person

Arising DIA Enlightenment of a Simplest One in Time DIA Space

Arising DIA Enlightenment of a Simplest One in Time DIA Space

In either way, as a result of this "modern" scientific (methodological) approach to creating knowledge within (recti) linear way of the understanding of time [past ⇢ PRESENT (TIME) ⇢ future] and space [merged and FUSED MIND - spirit, ABANDONED HOLLOW, matter], characterised by a strong emphasis on the (recti) linear future, on the expense of the strong neglecting past (shallow past), the capabilities of dialectical synthesising in time DIA space are significantly limited

  • [There is no the so-called historical memory (memorance), that means, no (enough) deep human root (Mark 4,17, Matthew 13,21), as a prerequisite for a proper dialectical synthesising in time DIA space; all this in spite of the scientifically verified fact that the physical presence of a body is from all sides surrounded by (a matter embedded in) past as well as within the realm of fashion, or within the realm of art, generally speaking, there is not such a clear boundary between the modern and obsolete: fashion passes away in order to come back again;],

just because of the suppressed and subordinated spirit within the creative framework of the so - called merged (coalesced and fused) mind, the creative upshot of which is exactly this concept of the simple(st) and vulgar mind. The ultimate consequence of this approach to the creation of knowledge is the relatively short range of the resulting creative result, understood in terms of its limited (future) value lasting. An example of this way of creative expression, although its result was the development of a DYNAMIC MODEL of business reality in my master's thesis (The Netmodal Management Model), however, it still belongs to this previously described way of creating knowledge, understood in terms of implementation of the concept of the simple mind. Read the creative article: Netmodal Management Process.

About the Simple, Simpler, Simplest and Vulgar Mind

As a result of this methodological approach, the creative abilities of the simplest mind to create (a piece of) new knowledge are (significantly) limited. Even the ability to improvise, adjust, reproduce, imitate it, is very limited, which are rather features of the so-called simpler mind, which is one of the many stages of development of this kind of mind, that is, it's creative (cap) abilities are between the simple and simplest mind. In other words, higher levels of development of the simple(st) mind are only able SIMPLY to convey (transfer) and distribute existing (created) knowledge to others (to new generations of pupils, students and the like), while the lower levels are only (cap)able to implement and use the ready-made products of the created knowledge. Here it must be emphasised that in the natiocratic "creative" environment, the one thing is the possessing (inborn) creative abilities, and quite another one is getting the opportunity practically to demonstrate it. In the creative works and articles, which were written on the Serbian language, the notion "simpler mind" was translated as "Mind Simply for Conveying and Distributing (of created knowledge)" [Prostoraznosački razum]. To be feasible to understand the way of functioning of the so-called vulgar mind, at first, it should be understood the process of vulgarisation of the simple(st) mind within a society, which leads over the passage of time DIA the corresponding space to the "dying out" (EXTINCTION) of the simple mind (there is no one left to create a new knowledge), as the first step of this initiated degenerative dia-process.

In short, in such a scenario in time DIA an appropriate situation in space, the vulgarised simpler (and simplest) mind, depending on the level of its vulgarisation, often does not check, what it conveys and distributes to others (the limited or stunted capabilities of the creative judgment) under the form of (mantled) knowledge. Actually, from here comes another name for the simplest mind: "a Mind Bearing these Simple-Reasonable Features within its inner being" [Prostonosački razum], because to such a person the stronger side are "legs" than the "head". The process of vulgarisation of the simplest mind can be initiated both during the education and after receiving the corresponding degrees. In the first case, when someone received a degree without being supported by the corresponding level of acquired knowledge, while the second mentioned one, very spread in the living reality, when they stop with further (life-long) self-learning and improvement (by the reading, for example), but they still continue to be promoted to higher positions in the society, in a very wide and well-known way in all kinds of natiocratic societies, that means, "I help you to climb up and later you DO the same for me": Self-recognizing DIA grouping and mobbing of the similar (converged and fused) minds.

Static Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE of us: Note, there is no inner space "and" time in the head of this simple-minded and simple-reasonable person but an abandoned hollow, as a consequence of relocation of the mind dia reason from its innate place [as a result of it, it is only perceived external space and time, while each spiritual, minded and reasonable content also has to be "depicted" in this external space and time in order to be perceived and verified by the five basic (scientific) senses]

Seen from the perspective of creating knowledge, the educating staff, who does not read, from time to time, some artistic, cultural, philosophic, scientific content, outside the area of specialisation, can not induce, evoke, or to provoke if you so will, at the pupils the creative potential and abilities (creativity). In particular, it is valid, if the pupils (continue to) practice the same habits. The most common feature of the vulgar mind is the need for steady (life-long) PERSONAL tuition and "nursing". It goes so far, they do not want (did not learn?) (personally) to read the written content on the paper, but it should be explained orally each time by others, without the need for mentioning the option of self-searching for the necessary information on the internet. In either case, by considering it from the viewpoint of society as whole, the vulgar mind in interaction with the initiated process of vulgarisation of the simplest mind is very expensive, both in terms of the past [invested resources for their bringing up, education, medical and "social" care ...], and in terms of future especially, understood in terms of the harm that WILL BE INFLICTED on societies on as a whole, or on humanity in a further, broader, deeper sense. Keep in mind, the vulgarised simple(st) DIA VULGAR MINDS is hostilely inclined towards knowledge, reading, creativity .... as well as it is inclined to the vulgar behavior and to the destruction of all and everything created, generally speaking, because of the nature of their inner being. Or this kind of the mind can be very profitable, seen from the standpoint of the overly developed ‘business’ (semi-)social sector [which is purposefully created for employment of the sons and daughters dia loyal VOTERS and supporters of the ruling natiocratic elite, as a kind of compensation] for ‘nursing’ as long as possible (if feasible, the helping "for ever") at the expense of taxpayers' money, understood in terms of a continuous creation and providing of vulgar minds.

In either way, seen from the dialectical perspective, it also appears in this scenario in time DIA situation in space, after the "head" ceases to function properly, that means, the simple mind has stopped to create a (new / renewed) knowledge, then the "legs", respectively the simplest mind does the same. In other words, there is nothing more (new) created to be transferred and distributed to others during this time DIA space (of the societal unit, society, ...). The next stage of this malignant development of a society is a kind of societal lethargy, followed by the ossification and paralyzing of that societal formation, that means, it begins the filling up of this empty, benumbed, paralysed and deadened mindual (creative) framework by various manifestations of the dialect - matter. Or said it in a different way, it was initiated an accelerated process of filling such a societal creation with representatives and the bearers of the vulgarised simplest and vulgar mind (a further vulgarisation), including also the (highest) key and essential positions in the society: "Walking bodies with the hollow in the 'head', that means, with not so much developed common sense and intelligence (mind) and the spirit, while the corresponding spiritual capabilities there is NO AT ALL. These features of the "barbarian souls", which now are omnipresent in each natiocratic society, were already perceived and observed in the ancient times. For example, Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher of the late 6th century BCE, sees the great majority of people as lacking understanding:

  • .... Most people sleepwalk through life, not understanding what is going on about them. Yet the experience of words and deeds (Logos) can enlighten those who are receptive to their meaning (the growing of understanding).
  • "Come, all you beasts of the forest! Izrael’s watchmen are blind, they lack knowledge. They are all mute dogs, they cannot bark. They lie around and dream and they love to sleep. They are dogs with mighty appetites, which never have enough. They are shepherds WHO LACK UNDERSTANDING. They all turn to their own way, each seeks her / his own gain. ’Come’, each one cries, ’let us drink our pitcherful of beer! And tomorrow will be like today, or even far better": the prophet Isaiah - 56:9-12, EIGHTH century BCE.

Manifestations of the Intellect DIA Intelligence in the Living Reality

Here it should be emphasised that the above elaborated dialectical content related to the capabilities of this contemporary comprehension of mind [DIA its division on the simple mind, simpler mind, simplest mind, and the vulgar mind] was done from the point of view of the CREATING (NEW) KNOWLEDGE, determined DIA manifested by the degree of creativity (and creative potential) within AN INDIVIDUAL, a societal unit, society, .... dialectical societal universe. Not from the perspective of any CONCEPT OF INTELLIGENCE, because it is a multi-sided dialectical content DIA process, which can be considered from many sides and the related aspects (short-term - long term, profitable - unprofitable...). As a result of this, even the vulgar mind, considered DIA reflected through the appropriate prism, might appear not so unintelligent, as it seems at the first look, that is, acquired without a deeper insight into this dialectical content under consideration.

In a similar manner, also the notion of intelligence, reconsidered from the perspective of GOOD, that is THE CENTRAL ASPECT of the developed dialectic interactive approach, compared to DIA the reconsideration of it through the prism of evil [various manifestations of 'the waiting in secret for the victims to be caught in the devised obscured schemes': David - Psalm-10:2-11], understood in terms of given freedom of will DIA choice, will not be conceived, comprehended and understood in the same way. Particularly, if this dialectical content was understood DIA implemented within the living reality in the sense of using the of the Concept of a "Simple(st)-Minded Person". Or put it in a different way, for example, similarly as “to be beautiful“ does not have to be equal (in accordance with) “to be good”, the same is valid for “to be INTELLIGENT”. From this reason, in the developed dialectical interactive methodological approach, it was more emphasised the role of the medium MIND, accordingly of the inner DIA inmost being (kingdom of??), compared to the contemporary understanding of the dialect – reason , (logics, rationalness: the “modern way of thinking and deliberating”). By reconsidering it from this perspective, it would have been a much better option for them that they tried TO UNDERSTAND me, instead of their barren attempts “to bring me REASON (senses)”.

  • "To say (to claim) for someone, who managed to organise a continual chicane of me, managed to develop such obscured schemes, various concepts of manipulations, manipulative DIA speculative activities (malversations) and the like, that (s)he is NOT INTELLIGENT, is an unawareness equal to ignorance, what is intelligence (generally speaking), how it functions or degenerates if you so will.
  • [It is entirely another issue, did she, he (creatively) acted, understood in terms of THE GOOD? Or in other words, has (s)he (creatively) contributed with something by her / his (creative) acting to the prosperity of the societal unit, society, .... dialectical societal universe, respectively to the humanity, (wo) mankind, if you so will? Or here it is simply about their well known chasing the various personal, but narrow - minded and egoistic interests and goals.]

Static Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space, carried out in the Living Reality in terms of An Ultimate Upshot of the Binary "OR - OR" Choice of One of Two Bipolar Dialects - Abandoned Hollow and Present Time


Dialectic Interactive Approach

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces: THIRD, Fourth .... (Path)Way of Solving a Challenge in Time DIA Space

Keep in mind, that without a multiple synthesis DIA dialectic interplay of matter (thesis) and spirit (antithesis) within THE MEDIUM MIND dia REASON

DIA the emotively emotional dia physical presence understood in terms of the time in space DIA space in time, there is no sense to be discussed the notion of regenerating DIA generating accumulative intelligence (the collecting of it over time DIA space)

  • [the concept of the recollection, that means, the intelligence which can be recollected and revivified in time DIA space, in order to be continued with the dia-process of its improvement and perfecting: Thy encoded key-words for the accessing this re-collectible knowledge is stored in an "imaginative server" (by God)]

within the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of the worlds of dialectics of God, even in its most primitive form (manifestation) within the living reality DIA the suitable beings. ......"

  • In modern science (which is still in full agreement with the SCIENTIFIC MATERIALISM), by using the latest advances in technology scientists invest enormous efforts to unlock the secrets of the brain (the dialect-matter): behavior patterns, the way of the operating five basic senses, emotions... as well as intelligence (the process of thinking). Seen from the perspective of the dialectic interactive approach, the applied scientific (methodological) approach raises the following question: How will they implement the results of this one-sided scientific research, for example, in the realm of flora (plants), which neither have brain nor the neurological system (nerves), because there is no such type of (the universal) intellect dia mental intelligence. In spite of it, these plants (without mental intelligence), according to another echelon of scientists (biology, evolution theory), can adapt to the changes in the environment [notice: there is no interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of knowledge]. For example, to defend themselves from mammals by developing thorns, poison and the like. This raises the next question: how did these brainless living beings manage to achieve these very high intellectual (cap)abilities? It seems, though they do not have observable five basic senses, they intuitively can perceive as well as to sense dialectical changes both within and around them. Variations of this type of manifesting the sixth sense (intuition) and the seventh sense (sense of feeling her-/himself) are also features of each human being.
  • After all previously mentioned, what to say about the intellectual capabilities of various primitive one-cell organisms (bacteria, alga...), or viruses, which even do not posses DNK in order to be able to save their experiences of past lives. Or uttered it in different way, are they really so primitive, if they managed to adapt themselves to changes in the environment as well as to reproduce and survive in such hostile environments, where no other living being managed. Apart from this, they over-lived so many more complex species, although they were not armed with (big) brains? It looks like in a similar way, as viruses use their RNA to decipher DNA in order to penetrate the living cell, plants use the power of their spirit to read the thoughts and intentions (mind) of their desirable and unwanted visitors. Anyway, by excluding the dialect-spirit (the power of spirit) from their (methodological) scientific approaches and by focusing on the magic of the dialect - matter [ too many random mutations versus a regular phenomenon, although sporadic in time DIA space], each their scientific founding and discovery rests on the very unstable (METHODOLOGICAL) fundament (on clumsy and fragile legs). In other words, it can be questioned with abilities of the common sense of each human being (requiring not much education). Recall, in accordance with the dialectic interactive approach, where the dialects – spirit, and matter are present and dialectically interactive creatively encountered, must be manifested the dialect – mind dia reason, in one or another way.
  • In either case, it appears that the power of spirit dia its re-enlightenment (by God), understood in terms of the human ability of being present outside of physical presence (of body) and reality (space in time) by means of power of the EMOTIVE emotional presence, plays a much more significant role than scientists are ready to accept and admit it. The didactic message from the above argued is: If they really want to unravel the secrets of the “brain” of a human being (inner dia inmost being), then they should start with the unraveling of secrets of emotive emotional capabilities of the one-cell organisms, plants... before doing it with the most complex living beings. A good starting point is to compare the dialectical creative framework for the orientation in the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of the worlds of dialectics [used it seems, by each living being to find a solution, or exit from a “scientifically hopeless and dead-end (exitless)” scenario in time dia the suitable situation in space] with their (recti)linear creative framework for the orientation in time and space.

Source: "World of Dialectics versus Multidimensional Space – Dialectic Interactive Approach in Use, Jovanović, 2002 - 2???"
Appendix 5: Implications of the Implementation of the Concept of Simple(st) Mind in terms of the Theory of Natural Evolution DIA Natural Selection in the Living Reality, Jovanović, 2004.

I hope, the creative articles noted down by me will shed more light on this puzzling and still beyond understanding the dialectical contents of the process of creating and coming into being а knowledge. Especially, this ability will be demonstrated in the next part of this creative article, where will be considered the idea of retrospective recollection understood in terms of the revival of a (lost) knowledge.

READ the Next Part of the Dialectic Interactive Approach in Use :