(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space
This creative article continues with the further elaboration of various manifestations of the simple mind within the wider context of the dialectical understanding of time and space: SPIRIT, MIND dia REASON, MATTER (space) DIA FUTURE, EMOTIVELY EMOTIONAL dia PHYSICAL PRESENCE, PAST (time), as a counterweight to the (recti) linear understanding of space and time. In short, the inner source of every kind of manifestation of duplicitous or multi-faceted hypocritical behavior, which is deeply rooted at all levels of natiocratic social organization, has been elaborated. Now, I ⇄ thou ⇄ we are ready to apply the until now acquired knowledge (of dialectics) at the individual and collective (group) levels. I ⇄ thou ⇄ we will use the already presented and interpreted pattern for thinking, elaborated in the previous part of this creative article: Read again the section: "THE PRAGMATIC VIEW ON THE SPACE (SPIRIT, MIND, MATTER) UNDERSTOOD IN TERMS OF THE TIME". In other words, although in a large number of creative articles the topic of fused mind-spirit has been considered from various points of view, in the following study for deep thinking, this smoldering conflict that is present within every form of manifestation of simple mind is embodied by three strategists, of which are two busy quarreling and arguing with each other, while the third one (the dialect - matter) with the agreement of the dialect - reason uses this opportunity to OCCUPY this abandoned time and space. In my opinion, this way of expressing the dialectical content that is considered creatively is much closer to the wider masses of the people instead of packaging and presenting the main characters of this kind of enigmatic story using the appropriate linguistic dialects: fused mind-spirit, matter, and reason. Especially, if it is supported by the accumulated and generally known cultural treasure (wisdom) of mankind (using a proverb in this particular case).
A Case Study for Thinking
- This situation and scenario, on the individual-group (more correct grouped - individual) level within the (RECTI)LINEAR INDERSTANDING OF TIME AND SPACE, will be presented by the three strategists of the present days. The first two of them are fused (merged) into a "simple-reasonable" person [who draws ideas from the concept of simple(st) mind, trapped inside the (barrel) of the present time], where the second strategist is subordinate to the first one. In other words, the "second" strategist is not empowered to make decisions, but still has the ability and capability (power) to speak, even though the "first" strategist spends most of the available time and resources (space in time) to silence the "second" one. To be able to subdue the "second" strategist even further, the "first" one needs more and more resources and time. In other words, for more and more (various manifestations of the dialect) MATTER, which was, in this constellation of (recti) linear understanding of time and space, assigned to the dialect-past. When this dialectical sentence is translated by everyday language, its meaning is that this kind of (fused, coalesced] mind allows the constant embedding in the dialect PRESENT ("barrel") dialect-past, and dialect-matter from the past, not from the dialect-future (time in space). At the same time and space, the question could be raised here, from which future (of these two available futures)? By the way, this kind of submission (subjugation) within the fused (merged) mind is an INEXHAUSTABLE SOURCE OF IDEAS for the crowd DIA group mindset, as well as for the typical behavior of any simple-minded (simple-reasonable) person.

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF US
Although, at the level of the considered social whole, this "simple-minded person" has represented her- / himself as ONE, that "it" as a (hollow-headed?) "simply-minded person" [note, not as (s)he, because there are two of them: Two fused "beings" into a kind of "group"] is driven and guided with (their?) future, while like a parrot claiming, "it" will lead the enterprise (nation, society, world) into a glorious future. If I ⇄ you ⇄ we put these promises into everyday life reality, using the developed dialectic working framework for orientation in time DIA space, where the dialect PRESENT ("barrel") is interpreted as a dialectical synthesis of the dialect future (guide - instigator) DIA the dialect - past, was combined (fitted) with a "simple-reasonable" medium [actually a creatively empty cavity: "bottomless barrel"], which is a (multiple in time DIA space) dialectical synthesis of fused mind - spirit [simple-minded, again!] DIA dialect - matter. To the dialect of matter was assigned the role of the past, because this "simple-minded one" was not at all interested in the dialect of the past. This "simple-minded person" even publicly emphasized that "it" is the leader of the future, as well as driven and guided by the (prompts) of the future. The essential question is, what kind of future? Was "it" driven with the "PRESENT" future and/or with the "FUTURE" future, because this "simple-reasonable person" occupied both of them, in the role of both the dialect - 'future' present and the dialect - future. These "(KINDS OF) FUTURES" [note the plural: The Future, seen as one dialect, is one and only one] are the source of all the problems and confusions that I ⇄ thou ⇄ we encounter in the everyday reality of life, understood in terms of more convenient manipulations public opinions, which were placed under this dialectical creative consideration. The rest of this story is easily imaginable at this moment [of thy emotively - emotional presence], without the need to go (further in the physical - sense) to such a "future", spending it (time), as well as the necessary resources (dialect matter) and dialect spirit DIA own (reason) mind (space) too. Read the following thematically elaborated case study example.
The Exercise of Dialectic Synthesising
1. Consider the carefully placed data in the following table. Note the qualitative difference in the dialectical interpretation of meaning between linguistic expressions: Space-Time [emphasizing static dimension (space)] and Time-Space [emphasizing dynamic (time) dimension]. What are your first impressions, related to their qualitative meaning and sense? Bingo? Interpret it through both internal and external interaction.

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
2. In dialectics, the order (way) in which the symbols were arranged is very important because it determines the process of dialectical summarization (synthesizing) and its quality (meaning), that is, the qualitative meaning of the interpreted and presented creative outcome. Now I ⇄ thou ⇄ we will try together to give another additional interpretation, related to the meaning of the famous Biblical symbol 666. This symbol comes from very, very old wisdom, which is based on dialectics. Look carefully at this table again. Bingo! Note the numbers 3 and 6 in each part of the table. Bingo! Three sixes [3 * 6]. Bingo! If I ⇄ thou ⇄ we dialectically synthesise and translate this dialectical sentence together, the meaning from the Space-Time dimension is: Matter: 3 (6 = past). In other words, dialect-matter wants dialect-past instead of (dialect) future, dialect-past instead of (dialect) emotively emotional presence dia physical presence, past, that is, past - past - past. Or to put it more simply, dialect-matter wants dialect-past FOREVER. Bingo! In the eternity of times DIA the infinity of spaces, the past, that is, at the level of the Magnificent Picture. Bingo!
The meaning from the Time-Space dimension is: Past: 3 (6 =matter). In other words, dialect-past wants dialect-matter instead of dialect-spirit, dialect-matter instead of dialect-mind, matter, that is, matter - matter - matter. Or to put it more simply, dialect-past wants dialect-matter EVERYWHERE. Bingo! Note, if the order of the symbols (words) in the table were different, the meaning of 666 would be changed. And now turn thy attention, what is the goal of the 'hidden (obscured) mind' (and whose) to achieve in our universe, as well as at the level of the Majestic Picture, related to such a fundamental setting, such as the Space-Time DIA Time-Space dimension: The dialect-matter EVERYWHERE and the dialect-past FOREVER in eternity DIA infinity. Bingo! Or much simpler, the destruction of life and all living beings and things. Bingo! Will I ⇄ thou ⇄ we allow this covert scenario to come true in the time DIA appropriate situations in space of eternal darkness? Bingo! I say, NEVER! What is thy answer? Bingo!
3. Compare this goal with the manipulations, about which I spoke, related to the "concept of simple(st) mind DIA various (hollow-headed) simple-reasonable persons". Bingo! Impress it deep into thy inner DIA innermost being, related to the "unconscious and subconscious" activities and appropriate actions of various "simple-minded people", seen from the perspective of the dialectical symbol: 666.
Use thy imagination, intuition,
emotive emotions, as well as thy mental-logical thinking, in order to achieve full mental-emotiv emotional
"picture". Do you think there would be a better image, for example, dialects - spirit and future everywhere and forever? Impress and express it through interaction, both internally and externally.
4. Try to continue further synthesising of 666 into 66. Bingo! Interpret the meaning of 66 through both
internal and external interaction!

Bipolar DIA Binary Way of Thinking

Ultimate Result of the Binary Way of Thinking: The Concept of Absolute Truth
5. Try to continue further synthesising 66 into 6. Bingo! Interpret the meaning of the "gate of death" (DIA a new life) through both internal and external interaction!
6. Try to dialectically summarize and synthesise the sense and meaning of each meaningful combination. For example, what is the
meaning, 6-past and 6-matter, as an expression of space-time and time-space dimension? Bingo! Interpret it
through both internal and external interaction.
7. Tell a story, based on thy interpretations of the symbol 666, to thy children, or to someone,
who thou truly DIA sincerely
With the previously expressed pattern for thinking, founded on the basic postulates of the concept of simple, simpler & simplest mind DIA corresponding conflict within it (fused mind - spirit), the concept of a "simple-reasonable person" was developed. In fact, the behavior of such simple-minded persons is OBSERVABLE everywhere in the living reality. In other words, a typical natiocratic person was introduced, who is capable to speak one linguistic content publicly [babbling (prattling ) - simply by releasing her, his subdued spirit, that is, to speak what people wanted to hear], simultaneously think something completely different, while executing in the background (within the desolate void previously explained) some manifestation of 666 scenarios in time DIA the appropriate situation in space. In order to more easily engrave the words of this simple-minded person into the related fused (merged) minds of her, his listeners (fans), (the concept of) the simple(st) was further made simpler, understood in the sense of using the five "scientific" senses for orientation in time AND space, instead of the SEVEN ones of a humane being, that even further narrowed their horizons for the orienting in the multitude of the worlds of dialectics. In other words, with the limitation of their inner frames of reference for orientation (inner being DIA the inmost light), this manifests itself in everyday reality with a two-polar (recti) linear way of thinking, based on a binary way of thinking: mind-body, yes-no, black-white, true-false and the alike.

A Dialectical View on the Simple Mind, Seen from a Mathematical Perspective

Gravitational Abysses ("0" - Black Holes) Bounded with the Numbers (Values) TWO (2) AND ZERO (0)
As a consequence of this (ideologically DIA 'theologically') implanted binary "chip", just pay thy attention, how most of the people are only capable to reason in terms of the bipolar way of thinking, that is, during a conversation they continually go from a (n extreme) pole (of thought) to the another one. In other words, for them it seems there is, neither possibility nor feasibility even to think in terms of SOMETHING BETWEEN ("blank hollow") these two extremities (poles) because during the (recti)linear bipolar interaction IN TIME AND SPACE, their the "MATHEMATICAL" interactive range for the manoeuvring is VERY LIMITED. READ: "Capabilities of the Modern Mind seen from a Perspective of the Creating Knowledge". In short, there is no such a broad scope for the multi-interactive interplay between and among the dialects, set in a continuous dia-process, which allows the (multi) dialectical synthesising in time DIA SPACE (spirit, mind dia reason, matter), READ, "Dialectic Interactive Approach", understood in terms of dialectics of dialectics DIA negations of negations. READ, "Dialectic Interactive Approach: Dialectics of Dialectics DIA Negations of Negations". In such a rectilinear scenario in time and situation in space, there is no even sense, to propose the abandonment of this binary way of thinking, understood in terms of the (paradigmatic) shift of the way of thinking and deliberation. READ, "Dialectic Interactive Approach: The Methodological Creative Framework".
Source: "Netmode - the Strategy for the 21st Century - Dialectic Interactive Approach" (Jovanović, 1999).
READ Next Part of this Creative Article: Implications of the Conflict within the Simple(st) Mind
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