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  Implications of the Conflict within the Simple(st) Mind

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF 'US'

A Dialectical View on the Simple Mind, Seen from a Mathematical Perspective

This creative article considers further consequences of the bipolar DIA binary way of thinking, DRIVEN BY THE SMOLDERING CONFLICT INSIDE the "simple(st)" mind [fused mind with the continually subdued and suffocated spirit], which is arbitrated and settled by the help of dialect - matter. This smoldering conflict in the fundament, inside of (the elaborated concept of) the "simple(st)" mind, will be transferred and externally manifested in various ways in the living reality. As a result of it, this conflict within the fundament will be a part of the consciousness and sub-consciousness (unconsciousness, if you so will), both on the individual and particularly, on each group's (collective) level of the organization of people. In other words, these very, very dialectically fundamental assumptions are embedded into each person [her/his "Bios" (DIA "Chip") for the orientation in time and space]. However, the qualitative mixture is different at the individual level of their Big Picture versus the human-loving Great Picture, as in the previous parts of this creative article was shown, devoted to the concept of the "simple(st)" mind. Regardless of all this, that what makes basic assumptions on the level of (crowd DIA group) fundament, as it is the case with the existing ruling (recti)linear DIA dual ⇢ bipolar way of cognition and comprehension of space and time, understood in terms of the mental thinking, based on it, will determine my ⇄ thy ⇄ our life DIA the living. An individual (person) can try to push it out of the consciousness to the sub-consciousness, or further to the unconsciousness, or even further to the universe, if you so will, but it is still present there. Our common burden. The burden of this civilisation.

Static Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF US

Furthermore, these very, very basic assumptions

  • [founded on the concept of the simple mind and the simple-bearing (simplest) mind DIA the mind simply for the distributing and transferring of the created knowledge (simpler mind)]

determine what "WE" (note, not what I ⇄ thou ⇄ we) will be able to (SHOULD) see, hear, smell, feel, etc., because the "modern" (curbed with darkness) senses [reduced on the five ("scientific") ones] are only able to interpret and present what "happens" in the existing (audial and visual) mediums. In other words, which "movie" is on the black - white Big TV [the so-called linear bipolar DIA bipolar way of thinking and deliberation]. ... A gigantic both medium and media. In short, as it will be demonstrated in other creative articles, the dual (and bi-polar) DIA binary way of thinking is manifested and externalized in the reality of life in some form of the "Concept of Simple Mind" DIA vulgar minds, that is, it is present and visible in the form of recognizable behavior of simple-reasonable persons, as the ultimate outcome of the conflict within the (fused) simple(st) mind. Seen from the methodological perspective of the developed dialectical interactive approach, all this is actually a consequence of the cognition and comprehension of the (recti)linear space and time, (externally understood) AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF US, which allows an easy redirection of the attention of involved actors within the methodological framework of the (recti)linear comprehension of space and time, far out of the real happenings (within the abandoned creatively empty, black hole), wherever 'they' DIA them want. In netmodal terms, this means that this fundament will be embedded into the network (power) structures on the global level. For further information, READ "Netmodal Management Process", and then find the "Structure Netmodule", and read it. In short, if on the current medium, (re)presented by the Big TV is a movie about (their) vision of the future, all of "us" will (should or must) see and interpret with (these) five 'scientific' senses and words, this same "movie", in the "almost" same way, or at least, this ("we") WILL BE SO PRESENTED AND INTERPRETED on the Big TV by them.

The Symbol of the Human(e) Genus

The Human Being

The only way for human-loving individuals of different opinion is to create some imaginative "movie" in an invisible but sensitive, intuitive and emotive emotional medium, controlled by SPIRIT DIA with the help of the dialect - spirit [the so-called emotively emotional potential, faculty (dialect) - antithesis] using the intuition, imagination, emotive emotions for interpretation of it, within her, his Inner Being DIA Innermost One (Light). Thereby (s)he has to be very careful, when using words [mind - mental capacity, faculty (dialect) - thesis] in order to achieve the full experience, expressed and understood in terms of both mental images, intuition, feelings and words (the mental- emotively emotional intelligence), because their dialectical synthesis belongs to the SPHERE OF KNOWLEDGE CREATION. Even if (s)he is talking to, with her-, himself. And as I ⇄ thou ⇄ we know, knowledge is that it has the creative potential to make changes within the reality of life. TO CHANGE their, our ⇄ thy ⇄ my (living) reality. In other words, this knowledge created and learnt on the alternative (INDIVIDUAL) medium can present a threat to the current "real" (objectivistic) medium (the "Big TV"), or to the existing living reality [their objectivistic reality, that is, imposed to others by them]. There (where the darkness rules), even the expression (notion), let's "dream" or imagine together with one or a few other individuals (the Great Team) is A RISK for her, his "movie", and for this related created knowledge, as well as for the involved individuals, but that is of the less importance. When (s)he drew the "cameras" (attention) of the ruling (dark, tamnih) "mediums DIA medias", her, his life is changed for ever.

The Symbol of the Human(e) Genus

The White Angel

All of this previously said, creates confusion in the mind [in the inner being DIA innermost light, especially] of the reader (who is reading that at this moment) because I ⇄ thou ⇄ we have not been trained, or are not familiar, if thou like this interpretation, with the THINKING, REASONING AND ARGUING IN THE DIALECTICAL WAY: Thesis ⇄ antithesis ⇄ synthesis DIA the renewed thesis ... READ, "The Dialectic Interactive Approach", DIA dialectics of dialectics ... understood in terms of the three basic aspects, properties, manifestations and principles in time DIA space. READ, "Dialectic Interactive Approach: Its Methodological Creative Framework" Or maybe, it sounds very archaic, like something from the deepest of both time and space. I ⇄ thou ⇄ we are actually trained (taught) to think in terms of simple (recti) linear bipolar relations [and-and, and-or, on-off, black-white ... logical (dual way of the) thinking], READ, "The Methodological Consequences of the Way of Thinking based on the Static Mathematic", using the concept of the "simple(st)" mind DIA the recognisable "behaviour" of each simple(st)-minded (reasonable) person elaborated thoroughly in the previous part of this creative article. As an example, think over about this case from the past:


Two-Dimensional Way of Painting: One Eye and One Ear



The Implemented Art, Embodied in the Golden MASK of the Dead Pharaoh

  • "… Forerunner of the creators of knowledge, Giotto Di Bondone (1266-1337), precursor to that remarkable birth of awareness known as the Renaissance, saw nature in a new perspective and for the first time painted rocks and trees in three-dimensional (life like) space. …" (1969, Rollo May)."

This happened only seven centuries ago. Seen from today's perspective and appropriate knowledge, the question arises: Is it possible that artists-painters, who lived, acted and created in a three-dimensional world, were not able to see these three dimensions, and then to "transmit" this simple picture (fact) on a piece of paper? Was it something wrong with their eyes, or was the world two-dimensional in those time DIA spaces? Using the previously presented dialectical content, I ⇄ thou ⇄ we are able now to answer to this question, as well as to understand

  • why were the (ordinary) Egyptian people and the living pharaoh, who was the Egyptian embodiment of the living god (is he truly represented in this picture as a god?) not painted from their front (side), that is, face to face. By the way, pay attention to this ancient way of two-dimensional painting: only one eye and one ear are visible. It might be argued that this way of applied ART emphasized the role of their ("invisible", but sensible) 'controllers', dimly hidden behind the golden mask of the dead (pharaohs). Only on this mask of death (cult of the dead) are both eyes and both ears clearly visible (three-dimensional artistic expression).
  • To this day, despite the apparently made progress in the field of art, in the field of application of earthly (natiocratic) force and power, nothing has fundamentally changed. Today's 'mighty men and powerful' from Big TV are actually just MASKS, ruled and managed behind the scenes by the (inter)national dark network.

In addition to the uttered, it is worth to understand that first in the 19th century, adherents of the subjective way of thinking and reasonong (actors approach is the most recent interpretation) stated out that it is CONSCIOUSNESS (medium) that creates our sense impressions, and not inverse [Franz Brentano in accordance with Thomas Aquinas, forerunners of the way of thinking of human(e) beings]. From this follows that who (what) controls the consciousness (medium) by BLOCKING [paralysing to the humans well-known sensation of] PRICKS (PANGS) OF THE HUMAN CONSCIENCE, strongly influences (controls) my ⇄ thy, our senses. In other words, this determines what I ⇄ thou ⇄ we will see, hear, smell, feel and the like. Read: HUMAN, CREATIVE, INDIVIDUAL WAY OF THINKING.

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF US

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space


Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Apart from this uttered thesis, due to internationalization (globalization), there is no longer a safe place, where one can escape and find a new refuge (shelter). The moon is too far away in a material (physical) sense. Although very close in the imaginative sense, followers of the concept of "simple(st)" mind even try to put imagination, intuition, emotions under control. TO GET A TRUE INSIGHT into the "creative" atmosphere, reflected through the prism of an already initiated typical "play of art: a theatre performance" of theirs (this Danish one lasted six months), which began with a proposal for a potential Ph.D. dissertation at the "Copenhagen Business School" ["Netmode – the Strategy for 21st Century – Dialectic Interactive Approach" (1999)], READ, "Security Issues in the Living Reality".

  • It should be emphasized here that most of what you are reading were not included in the proposal of a potential doctoral dissertation, and therefore would not be part of the doctoral dissertation, because this way of writing completely differs from the way of writing within scientific academic institutions. The main idea was actually a further elaboration of the Netmodal Management Model, developed in my master's thesis using a network methodological approach. In order to achieve this, a new methodological approach (dialectic interactive approach) was necessary, and for its creation it was necessary to develop a different understanding of both time and space that is applicable in the social sciences, and not only in the natural sciences (in the field of physics, in the first place). In other words, the development of a dialectical interactive approach required a dialectical understanding of time and space. Some hints of what the methodological creative framework of my Doctoral dissertation might look like in a real Doctoral dissertation can be read in the chapter: DIALECTIC METHOD IN ACTION: ITS METHODICAL PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES.

  • From this it follows that even in this extremely optimistic scenario in the time DIA the appropriate situation in the space, my potential doctoral dissertation would be written in the spirit of the existing scientific way of writing, enriched with methodological procedures and techniques of the dialectical interactive approach. Many hot topics, such as, for example, this considered concept of simple mind dia reason, would probably only be considered superficially, and as such would have to be very skilfully, artistically packed into its content [so as not to recognize themselves in it, which I must admit, is a very tricky and extremely difficult creative endeavor]. Whether I would later try outside of educational institutions to work it out in more detail and express it in the form of a novel is a question worth a billion dollars. In any case, this inner call and instigator would not leave me alone, that is, it would not allow me to find the inner peace of soul, which I now feel after the fulfillment of my life's mission, despite all the adversities that accompanied me during its realization. (External) Material wealth and money, no matter how big or small, cannot provide thee with inner peace. Looking back on everything experienced, in my opinion, as a result of the collision of these external and internal incentives and rewards, it was only a matter of time DIA the appropriate situation in space when this kind of smoldering conflict in my inner being would appear under the spotlight of this magnificent creative stage.

  • Considering all of the above, most of what you are reading is written while waiting for the answer to whether my doctoral dissertation proposal will be accepted or not. At the time, I was just a potential creator of knowledge (in the making). And in order to become one, it was necessary to recognize who I am in reality, as well as what my real life mission is, as well as to resolve numerous dilemmas related to it. In other words, although I have begun to understand this inner call, especially because of the way in which I have revealed a complete picture of the dialectical understanding of time and space [an integral part of the proposal of a potential doctoral dissertation], it is very difficult to accept this inner hint that I am that person, as well as why I, who at that time, in my opinion, did not meet even the minimum criteria for such an action, as well as to accept the earthly consequences of such a decision, that is, the price that must be paid for such a form of creative action. Be that as it may, until thou recognize thy real self, as a prerequisite to accepting this inner call, it is impossible to become a creator of knowledge [in my particular case]. In fact, it is what gives thee the necessary self-confidence and continues to develop it in cooperating with the continuous cleansing and refinement (enlightenment and re-enlightenment) of thy inner being with the help of thy innermost being (light).

  • Regardless of the material consequences of my creative activity, this inner creator of knowledge transformed me into the most creative person who worked in the 21st century: the development or revival of the currently most advanced methodological approach (dialectical interactive approach) based on a dialectical understanding of time and space, which it in itself requires reconsideration and re-examination of all areas of human creative activity. As just one example, the dialectical understanding of time and space, in fact, revealed this considered smoldering internal conflict within every form of manifestation of simple mind dia reason. Or expressing it in a much closer way of reasoning to you, in order to get out of this tunnel of dual → bipolar → binary way of thinking, and the corresponding (recti) linear understanding of space and time, at the other very far end of which the light of the dialectical way of thinking and the corresponding understanding time and space shines, it is necessary to resolve this simmering conflict within the presented concept of simple mind dia reason. In the opposite case, with the continuation of the usual practice of an exclusively external solution (make-up) of this identified internal conflict (problem), that is, of the perceived creative challenge of time, in time and space through the development and creation of new utopian ideologies, it is not possible to get out of this labyrinth of the natiocratic way of thinking and reasoning.

  • To cut this long story short, in my opinion, from an ordinary person, I have been transformed by my Heavenly Mentors into a creator of knowledge, "doing P.H. Dissertation" at vast space distances. In other words, in addition to the not many of us, only the main heroes of the plant world are able to communicate with their "brains" by traversing vast space distances. Paraphrasing these five-sense, hollow-headed beings who say they are actually animals that walk on two legs, human beings prefer to see themselves as walking members of the plant world adorned with a crown woven from young leafy twigs interspersed with various blooming blossoms and flowers. For more information, read a cluster of creative articles dedicated to retrospective recollection. Anyway, this kind of promotion (year 2001) injected me with tremendous, extra confidence, which in fact allowed me to continue my creative work, as well as to survive on this magnificent creative stage. Concluding these remarks, all this was written during this inner turmoil within me in conjunction with the action of very powerful external earthly forces to mentally and ill-spiritually break me, intimidate me, and prevent me from doing so.

These dia-processes were initiated for long ago. For this reason, understood in terms of the acquired self-awareness of this dialectical content of the action of darkness, it is also important to BE SPLITED (SEPARATED) the dialects spirit and mind. To be made free of each other. Together, in this unnatural and INHUMAN "UNION", "it" in interaction with the previously uttered conflict inside the merged (fused) mind dia reason, is the main cause of the various manifestations of this inner smouldering conflict in the existing hard outer environment. My ⇄ thy, our common environment. In order to soften this harsh materialistic living, business, and working environment, it is necessary not only to prevent the further dulling of the two typical human senses [the sense of intuition and the sense of feeling the inner self] but also to initiate the dia-processes of their revival, where art, accumulated cultural treasure, even philosophy in a broader, deeper, and further sense play a key role. Read the following case study dedicated to this dialectical content.

  Exercise further thy Inborn Intuition by using the Acquired Knowledge of Dialectics

If I ⇄ you ⇄ we find a solution (a new dialectical synthesis) for this "common" conflict in the temporal (time's) DIA spatial foundation, together through interaction, our lives will be completely changed. Of course, in a positive sense. Even the individual's life will be longer because natural (premature) death is her, his "unconscious" decision, as the final result of the control of the fused (fused) mind over the spirit at this fundamental level. In other words, that person is unable to resist her, his own, as well as our collective burden of committed evil (sins, if you like this interpretation) by closing this imaginative and intuitive channel, which is connected to our fundamental conflict within the "simple(st)" mind at the level of their big picture.

Nor is she/he able to shift this burden to others, as she/he was able to do (in her/his youth) in past, (at least some of us) in the role of "simple-reasonable person". On the contrary, she/he feels herself /himself as a burden to the family, society, and the world. Even to herself, himself. To God. The spirit was subjected (subordinated) by mind dia reason during its entire life. With the passage of time DIA a more suitable space, her, his (spirit-inspired) positive emotions (emotive emotions) turned with the "little" help of the dialects of reason & matter into negative emotions. Too much envy, egoism, selfishness, hatred, etc. during life, expressed in the form of anger, fury, rage, bitterness, ......, stress, depression and the like. And in old age, further subjugation and suffocation of her, his emotions is the only thing (s)he is able to do properly. (S)He was drilled [trained] by it all her/his life.

Dialectical Concept of the Spiritual DIA Mindual Intelligence

DEATH dia AFTERLIFE, seen from a Perspective of the Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

She/He is no longer able to refresh her, his inner being DIA innermost light, because there is not enough light inside it. Even her, his "I" is not able to embrace the change leaving the periodically (and temporary) ego, and then back, after overcoming this created gap to re-illuminate both itsself and the ego with this light (positive change). Neither is there enough light in the fused mind, nor in her, his body (matter). The only light that she/he is able to see properly and clearly, and to recognize is the Spiritual Light (Being), regardless of whether it was subjected and subdued during life or not. Even the dialect - matter cannot help the dialect - reason. Furthermore, there's no point in trying this, because the dialect - reason is already too weak. It has become utterly useless even in a material (physical) sense.

In such a critical scenario in time DIA the corresponding situation in space, her, his "I" instructs the dialect - mind to separate (exclude) all of them (and itself) from the dialect - matter, and to finally free the spirit. Mind, losing strength, finally executes the first instruction, and dialect - matter is the ultimate winner in this material (physical) world of SPACE IN TIME (dialect - matter embedded in the past). The second instruction was not carried out by each mind at that same moment. Maybe later. IT IS SUCH A PERSONAL STORY. In other words, the dialect fused mind is afraid to surrender control to the Spirit, whom it has subjected throughout its life. There is no truth, trust, love DIA boldness, even in that very special moment. Furthermore, it finds a new blind ally: Ego which was abandoned by "I" at that very moment.

Dialect - mind of individuals, who loved, trusted and have confidence in the Spirit (Trust, Love and TRUTH in pure form) immediately surrenders control to the Spirit, so that it would be able to illuminate and enlighten the ego, thus giving additional strength to the inner being DIA the continuous re-enlightenment and enlightenment of this inner expanse with the Innermost Light (Being), as well as the path during this long journey. A journey into the uncertain future, where this individual's "I" is the personal driver, while the inner being is their "spaceship", kept moving with the accumulated light (during the previous life DIA living) within it (its fuel), and led by the Spirit. After passing through the gate of death [dialectical sign 6, the very starting point of the dialectical spiral of our cosmos: while the path back is through the gate of life (dialectical sign 9: pore-spora)], they are already in the world of hidden obscurity, duskiness, turbidity, awful pale twilight, heartlessness, cruelty, ruthlessness. In the world of "hidden darkened mind", whose master is Darkness (Tamas). The higher the quality of preserved Light, Spirit, I DIA Ego, Mind and corresponding mental - emotively emotional intelligence, accumulated over time DIA space, the more pleasant this journey is. The journey until (s)he was picked up and rescued by a Majestic Driver, as proof that (s)he had TRUST in Him. In other words, (s)he believed in Him and in His love. His True Spirit.

Impress and express thy view related to the "LIFE & eternity (of times) DIA infinity (of spaces)". Use thy acquired knowledge of the dialectics.

Source: "Netmode - the Strategy for the 21st Century - Dialectic Interactive Approach" (Jovanovic, 1999).

 READ Next Part of this Creative Article: Fundaments of the Mental-Emotive Emotional Intelligence


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