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  Debtor's DIA Debt Economics: Part One

INTRODUCTION: The Creative Acting in a Natiocratic Creative Environment

Arising DIA Enlightenment of a Simplest One in Time DIA Space

Arising DIA Enlightenment of a Simplest One in Time DIA Space

Here were presented some articles related to the natiocratic concept of the debtors' DIA debt way of running economics, noted down in the creative works of this creator of knowledge, written on the english language. By reading DIA dialectically synthesising it, pay your attention to the INTOLERABLE DISCREPANCY, seen from a dialectically long-run perspective, in the treatment of individual beings and group's societal categories (the enterprises, for example), that is, on the discrepancy between the individual (humane: human-loving) way of thinking and the group/crowd way of thinking. In addition, perceive how in this Ph.D. proposal to the Copenhagen Business School were clearly exposed DIA elaborated incentives for the various manifestations of the market manipulations DIA (financial) speculations. Try also to imagine the different course of the economic and financial events, as a result of the carrying out these obscured schemes at the world level, if to this creator of knowledge in this still early phase (1999) was allowed to attend the Ph.D. programme, in order to be uttered these broad ideas DIA thoughts of his, as an ANTITHESIS to the generally accepted DIA taught ones (AND STILL taught) at the universities of natiocratic societies all over the world, as a final outcome of their enormous influence on the development (and the full meaning) of SCIENCE, philosophy, culture and art. But similarly to the prevention at any price to be started with management career or by any other one, by the official (state) Danish secret service, respectively by the military part of it in this very beginning of their perfidious acting DIA the corresponding EU (-NATO) secret services, has been also everything done, in order to be prevented the spreading of these, according to them, harmful ideas DIA thoughts in the living reality, by means of the organising the typical "EU-NATO" natiocratic all-saying play of art. It was performed six month long, and who knows how long it would have been played on this dark scene of theirs, if this creator of knowledge did not decide to visit personally the members of the study committee [prof. Torben Pedersen (Danish citizen) and Lee Davis (American citizen)] and the dean Gert Bechlund as well (Danish citizen, too). My proposal of the Ph.D. dissertation was refused by them, by arguing that it doesn't include the "tools" (procedures) for a methodical discussion (“Projekt beskrivelsen indeholder heller ingen ansatser til en metode-discussion”), as well as it is very difficult (FOR THEM?) to assess what the project study CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE EXISTING KNOWLEDGE (“Det er derfor også meget svært at vurdere hvad projektet kan bidrage med i forhold til den eksisterende viden”).

I replied them, there is no need for the insisting on the existing knowledge but rather the creating A RENEWED ONE. In other words, the existing knowledge IS ALREADY OUTDATED! READ, "The Concept of the Simple(st) Mind in the Living Reality: The Training of the Philosophic DIA Artistic Dialect".

Here is the concluding part of this eight-pages letter (8. september, 1999) regarding my Ph.D. proposal – "Netmode - the Strategy for the 21st Century – Dialectic Interactive Approach":

In short, the enclosed documentation DIA Ph.D. proposal was not at all "disappeared", as they claimed it, but in vulgar way was played a typical "EU-NATO" natiocratic play of art, as it was done many times by 'them', both before and later, as a kind of their way of communication with the proponents of different way of thinking. In this concrete case, they wanted to be continued with this started "play of art", followed by my further exposition and explanation of (the netmodal) ideas DIA suitable thoughts. Either way, (1999) the role of the unofficial international dark/'tamne' network still was negligible compared to these EU-NATO official ones. Keep in mind, the international dark (obscured) network is not a compact and hierarchically organised institution, but rather it is a broad and loose organisation for protection of the basic natiocratic interests and the suitable value system. For example, this creator of knowledge challenged and attacked the basic natiocratic postulates by the redefinition of the (recti)linear space and time into a dialectical understanding of time and space; READ, "Dialectic Interactive Approach: Dialectical Understanding of Time DIA Space"; through replacement of the ruling crowd DIA group way of thinking by the individual (human) one, that is, putting the focus on the individuals (citizens) and not on the various societal categories, suitable for the masses / crowd (state, network structures) DIA groups (companies, for example); later with reintroduction of the forgotten and neglected words and the suitable ideas and thoughts from the Holy Books and Scriptures DIA THEIR MAJOR ACTORS, the firmly established neo-secularism was attacked, playing in this form of manifestation of the NATIOKRATISM some kind of the modern religion, READ, " The (Recti)linear Comprehending Space and Time: The Concept of the Natiocracy" ; through fierce criticism of the established economic system based on the debtor's DIA debt economy, supported by the overemphasized role of financial markets READ, " The Concept of the (Recti)linear Universe: Happenings in the (Recti)linear Space and Time" ; and the like.

In short, it is enough to be touched ONLY ONE of the previously mentioned postulates of this modern manifestation of the natiocratism that the corresponding part of the international dark network reacts and attacks such an unwanted intruder ("guest"). In other words, their mutual relation(ships) can be tensioned, competitive, antagonistic, unfriendly, hostile, even they can be ready to make war against each other, but in the essence, all of them are for the preservation of basic natiocratic postulates and the suitable common INTERESTS. In any case, because of the fact that within these natiocratic official secret services, financed by the tax-payers' money, are (STILL) employed DIA deployed the so-called cuckoo's eggs including also omnipresent professors-tricksters, for example, who alarmed the leading core of the informal dark network, and from that moment the leading role was taken by them, while the official ones still firmly holding all threads in their obscured hands, are ready to intervene only in the case if 'they' DIA them were not able, from any reason, to fulfill their dark objectives, directed against this creator of knowledge. In other words, because the core of the (inter)NATIONAL dark network has control over the natiocratic political structures DIA national security services, the rest of the international dark network can only do it, that is in accordance with the goals and interests of its CORE. Furthermore, in these shameful activities were involved some other secret services DIA networks as well, which wanted to utilise this 'great DIA unpaid' opportunity DIA 'service' in own purposes. It is also, worth to emphasise that some secret services DIA networks, together with the EU-NATO ones, were active participants of a kind of secret 'Yalta agreement' of the forces of darkness, adapted for satisfaction of their very narrow-minded (in common agreed) interests.

But for sure, the obscured (simple) one has had at its disposal all these necessary info DIA knows for the existence of all of them to be able further to continue with the playing out the typical natiocratic "plays of art of his". Have in mind, the meanness is the major feature of any dark DIA the obscured acting (behind the obscured scenery), and only in terms of these dark DIA obscured (cap)abilities and the similar ones can be "measured" and distinguished the simple mind DIA simple person from their followers and imitators in the (recti)linear understanding of time AND space. Now you are able to understand why this creator of knowledge uses in the creative works of his, both the notions international dark network and the EU-NATO dark network ('security zone'), which is actually an umbrella organisation, able to mobilize its omnipresent "cuckoo's eggs" against unwanted intruders. In short, there is no meaning to blame the whole world but rather the part of it where he actively has acted and created, and that is the EU-(NATO) security zone. And ONLY there for this creator of knowledge, as the holder of Danish (EU) passport, considered from a REAL perspective (of the existing established natiocratic system), was theoretically FEASIBLE to be realised the belonging rights, under condition the core of his troubles was not situated just in that part of the world.

Static Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF "US"

To feel the "creative" atmosphere that preceded to this typical EU - natiocratic ARTISTIC performing (play of art), READ, "Security Issues in the Living Reality". Although this creative work ("Netmode – the Strategy for 21st Century – Dialectical Interactive Approach, Jovanović, 1999") compared to other ones, which followed it, has much less truly creative value, pay thy attention, to the courage shown by this nascent creator of knowledge, [self-confidence, that is, confidence into the coming cleanness of his inner being DIA inmost one, or in the God, if thou so will at utmost instance, is a recognisable feature of an awaken great individual in time DIA space, a follower of the (Living) God, READ, "The Concept of the Living God"],

in this still early stage of his creative acting (1999), to respond to these knowledge workers, READ, "Capabilities of the Modern Mind seen from a Perspective of the Creating Knowledge", armed with the creatively empty (barren) titles (professors of university) that

Because the basis, that is, Ph.D. proposal, of this creative work was written for a scientific institution, there were no quotations from the Holy Books and Scriptures and the alike dialectical content, which characterised the next paradigmatic shift of his way of thinking and the attitude to the life and to the creating as well, generally speaking, after he was freed from these typical scientific shackles. READ, "Dialectic Interactive Approach". In spite of the existence of these creative limitations, within the first creative work of his was developed and brought on the light of day, the creative framework for the orientation in time DIA space, as well as further elaborated from this dialectical perspective the "Netmodal Management Model", developed as a part of my Master's Thesis. READ, "Netmodal Management Process". Keep in mind, as far as I know, the "Netmodal Management Model" has been (is it still?) the first DYNAMICAL model of business reality. In either case, after the refusal (year, 2000) of my another Ph.D. proposal ("Knowledge DIA Creativity in Time DIA Space - Dialectical Interpretation, Presentation and Implementation of the Actors Methodological Approach") at the Essen - University (Germany) by prof. Stephan Zelewski

the "dynamical" way of thinking was finally abandoned by me, and was replaced by the dialectical way of thinking. READ, "Dialectic Interactive Approach: Its Methodological Creative Framework". One is for sure; I am TRULY UNABLE to think in the (existing and ruling) STATIC WAY and attitude to the scientific creating. By the way said, only pay thy attention to the titles both of my Ph.D. proposals and creative works as well. Really, to choose it as the (official) titles requires a courage. If you still do not believe me, just try to fill up them with your own words or by quoting others. For example, I was very surprised with the fact that not so many people dared to write something about the TIME AND SPACE, that is, not so much words was spent in this purpose. Particularly, after the redundancy (repetition) of the uttered ideas and the suitable thoughts was subtracted, related to the (recti)linear way of the conceiving and comprehending of time and space. Only, the greatest of them did it! By the way said, pay thy attention to the STYLE OF WRITING, imprinted in the creative works and articles of this creator of knowledge, as a result of the implementation of the individual way of thinking DIA putting in focus individual persons (citizens), which SIGNIFICANTLY deviates from the existing (crowd DIA group) one, simply ripping ears of the readers. In the following parts of this large creative article will be presented the most important parts of this proposal of a potential Ph.D. dissertation at the Copenhagen Business School: "Netmode – the Strategy for 21st Century – Dialectical Interactive Approach, Jovanović, 1999", regarding the concept of the debtor's DIA debt economy.

Source: 3.5 The General Guidelines for Action

    “Netmode - the Strategy for the 21st Century - Dialectic Interactive Approach” (Jovanovic, 1999).

NETMODE: Individuals need each other because self-trust, self-power, self-interests due to the interdependency DIA intentionality

searches for self-fulfilment, and this self-awareness (self-knowledge) leads to awareness (knowledge) that the fulfilment of this might be done through the interactivity with others. In the figure 3.2, this was presented by intentionality DIA trust, power, interests, and particularly by intentionality DIA the created knowledge, understood in terms of both time and space. Seen from a viewpoint of the creating knowledge, the role of interactivity DIA matching their creative intentionalities, is of decisive importance, because the more individuals interact with each other DIA exchange of the acquired awareness, experiences, ideas, data, information, knowledge, by working and creating together, the more easier will be (re)new(ed) knowledge created. In addition to this, the free flow of information throughout the VIRTUAL COMPANY, and among the involved teams allows convergence of the (various) viewpoints, objectives, as well as the intentionality of involved individuals (actors) during the creating process. The anticipated further accelerated pace of change will be an additional pressure for a more open exchange of ideas, information, knowledge and acquired experience between and among virtual employees, and will keep them all the time DIA suitable space, on their toes. It also will force all the involved virtual employees to comprehend (insee) that the created knowledge is a very variable “thing” in time as well as in space.

In netmodal terms, making continual changes requires of management (and venture creators) to decide how many individuals DIA the created teams, should be linked into the network (that is, in the virtual company), in order to be fulfiled these creative issues, understood in terms of both time and space. In general terms, the virtual company can grow larger until the moment is reached that the personal interests and (self-)complacency of employees replace their creative engagement, enthusiasm and motivation, as well as the obligation to the matter of business and adherence to the company. In other words, until then, they are undertaking creative activities for the benefit of the owners of project (thesis). The same dialectical content, considered from a perspective of the involved individuals (antithesis) into this creative process, they prefer working and creating in a creative environment, that is, in an atmosphere, where (s)he experiences her- / himself different from others [individuals (objects)], as well as there, where (s)he can make distinction between her, him and others. Put in other words, (s)he does not like to be just one within the mob, dehumanised and reduced to a thing, object, referred to [synthesis DIA the renewed thesis]. In addition to this, individuals, gifted by the (inborn) CREATIVITY, has a need for some kind of the sense of ownership, independence and the belonging to the creative environment (the renewed antithesis), which makes them to feel special and good about their job and where they can fulfil their creative potential (faculties) [synthesis DIA the renewed thesis]. Otherwise the established virtual company loses the creative commitment of its virtual employees and they will, sooner or later, start with working for their own interest (the renewed antithesis).

In order to reconcile these divergent interests (synthesis DIA the renewed thesis), virtual employees might be involved into ownership of the established virtual company, as the internal shareholders. The existing approach of shareholders is a good foundation for doing it. A part of rewards for their creative involvement should be also paid by dividends, apart from the issued shares, by applying the idea of internal shares. In a virtual environment it is very important that both shares and dividends opportunities are involved into this kind of the business organising. Keep in mind, that the dialectics is not about or-or relations, but rather it is about the dialectic synthesis of the initiated dialectical processes, which always allows change [synthesis DIA the renewed (supplemented) thesis]. According to Ross, Westerfield and Jordan (1993), THE VALUE OF THE SHARE TODAY is equal to the present value of (all of) the paid out future dividends. From this definition DIA A POSTULATE OF THE FINANCE [the second important postulate is: CASH (-flows within the joint-stock company, and not outside of it) IS THE KING (note, not debt)], it is obvious that value of the share and dividend are dialectically interrelated. In other words, if all future dividends are equal to zero such a corporation is a “black (blank) hole” (worth nothing). By putting the interpreted dialectical content into a virtual environment, which is temporal DIA transient by its nature, in the case there is no dialectical synthesis DIA the renewed thesis between value of the share and dividends, the way for different kinds of doing manipulations (market and financial speculations) has been already paved. Because there will be many virtual companies, dispersed in terms of time and space, it will be very difficult to control these manipulations (abuses).

These statements (remarks) should be supported by adequate tax incentives, particularly in a virtual environment. For instance, if a shareholder reinvests the received cash payments (including dividend payments as well)

for the buying NEW ISSUED shares, taxes on the invested dividend's income should not be paid. Preventing the management DIA board of directors of the company to invest the financial resources (profit) on the “behalf” of all its shareholders (group way of thinking), led and driven by their narrow-minded interests, the management of the company is pressed to truly act in the interest of all shareholders. In other words, they cannot pursue the business opportunities, which are only supported by them. If they really believe (trust) that their project, based on their own (well-known) business idea, is a big business opportunity, they can borrow money of other financial institutions, at the own expense, or issue new shares based on their anticipated prospects. The existing shareholders can decide to support them, but with the “cash in the hand” from the received dividend payments (the current value of their ownership in time DIA space), or simply to allow the transfer DIA diversification of the business risk from them to new shareholders (owners) by selling these shares without charging and taxing this kind of financial transactions, that is, punishing them

for their (ownership's) right ( truth, trust and love DIA freedom and privacy ⇢ choice DIA change: Individual way of thinking). On the other hand, the mechanism of share pricing remains as a neutral external valuator because in such circumstances DIA market environment, no one can control and dictate the price of the share. In order to be made the business environment even more efficient, the devices of IT can be used for publishing company’s portfolios and financial statements monthly, even in a shorter-term [true (real) instead of the fabricated ones (made to look more finer) by them] in order to be informed more accurately the involved individuals (actors) in this vulnerable and anticipated future scenario.

A basic assumption of the network (methodological) approach is that the creating of network (of relationships) by involved individuals (actors) is not an entirely rationally guided or centrally controlled process, because some elements (relationships, power, interests and knowledge) in the network / market (should) always remain out of reach of their rationalism (reasonable explanation). As an implication, the knowledge about this environment is imperfect, and as a result of it, the way of thinking of involved individuals (actors), their attitudes towards each other, as well as arranged activities and undertaken creative processes will be different. These dialectical (inter)relations remain an undried source of ideas from human mind DIA spirit, and consequently a rich and fertile ground for the emergence of new (future) arrangements between and among individuals (involved business actors) in purpose of initicialization of new dialectical processes.

Static Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF "US"

COMMENT: From the previously uttered dialectical interactive content, written in the year 1999, it is easily to perceive that by this creator of knowledge, within a few paragraphs of this chapter, a few basic postulates of this latest established natiocratic order (DEBTISM) were touched. First of all, their recognisable (recti)linear conceiving, comprehending and understanding of time and space, READ, "The (Recti)linear Comprehending Space and Time: The Concept of the Physical Universe" DIA the appropriate way of thinking, the so-called dual → bi-polar DIA binary way of thinking: brain - body, mind - matter, spirit - matter, soul - body, respectively yes - no, true - false, 0 - 1, black - white and the like. In this example, it was dealt with the "or-or" relation between shares and dividends. READ, "The Methodological Consequences of the Way of Thinking based on the Static Mathematic". Pay thy attention, that the instigating of this creator of knowledge on the paying out dividends from the achieved profit is also a CAPITALISTIC right of the (partly in this case) owner of the financial corporation. Keep in mind, no one will establish a traditional (capitalistic) company (new venture) simply for doing turnover with the goods and services but due to the prospects of achieving profit. Similarly, it would not make sense to establish a joint-stock company simply due to the trade with the EXISTING (old issued) shares because this kind of the EXTERNAL cash flows around the founded company is IRRELEVANT ("like the rain around the Sahara") for its business activities and the corresponding (internal) financial transactions, but rather for the organizers (owners) of this kind of the casinos (financial markets) and their (temporal, changeable) owners. Especially, for those shareholders (owners), who became addicted to this kind of gambling, that is, from resale of the OLD issued shares (at the expense of others: the non-shareholders, who are tax-payers). On the other hand, the received CASH realised through the (additional) emission of new shares is VERY RELEVANT and useful for the company's business activities and the corresponding (internal) financial transactions. For this reason, in the focus of creative consideration, related to the tax incentives, this creator of knowledge, at first place, put on the newly issued shares for starting a new venture for the purpose of increasing employment, as well as increasing the market competition and perhaps the market diversification too.

Static Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space


Dialectic Interactive Approach

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

In short, when the door for the various kinds of manipulations with the achieved profit by the management DIA board of directors were opened, in the name and behalf (?) of the (all?) owners (shareholders), understood in terms of their comprehension of the (recti)linear time and space, that is, who will, and who will not be eligible to participate in the distribution of the achieved profit (to the shareholders), as only true owners of it [or it in reality only belongs to the elitist' part of them, together (acting in yoke) with the NATURALLY SELECTED management DIA board of directors], by definition, the door for various kinds of financial speculations and market manipulations were also opened broadly as well. Because these financial speculations, and particularly, the closely related market manipulations also, could be based on the secret schemes, it is very difficult to determine, how these entangled dialectical processes should be handled (managed). In the case, the taxing of financial transactions (and the obscured financial operations) was chosen, the previously mentioned right of a shareholder to escape being caught into a devised secret scheme, by reselling the acquired shares DIA buying new ones, it should be found a way which allows distinguishing it from this obscured acting. For example, through the exclusion of RELATIVELY SMALL sums of the financial transactions versus the LARGE amounts of financial operations (the INDIVIDUALISATION of the initiated dia-processes), that requires a special attention during the process of monitoring of this complex dialectical content in a GLOBAL financial and business environment. The best way for doing it within a large POWERFUL state or within a market network structure, is demanding from the importer DIA exporter of goods to declare, whether there were taxed the financial transactions of the imported products and services of that corporations DIA ALL its assembled components of other corporations into them, in accordance with the stated tax rate, valid there, that is, the creating some kind of trade barrier. If it was not done, in such a case, the imported product DIA its ALL untaxed components should be taxed now! Although it might be argued that this deviates from the principles of free trade, this is NOTHING NEW, because various kinds of the trade barriers ALREADY EXIST. Anyway, only in this way, or in a similar way, it could be imposed some kind of the agreed taxing the big amount of financial operations on the global level because such kind of financial speculations and market manipulations leads to the CREATING GLOBAL PROBLEMS: World economic crisis. In either case, this anticipated (1999) dark scenario in time DIA situation in space, predicted by this creator of knowledge BECAME REALITY, a decade later (year, 2008), as an end outcome of not dealing with (not undertakings of necessary steps in regard with) the observed shortcoming of this kind of the organisation of business by the responsible actors [states and their institutions, including the UNIVERSITIES, too].

The Methodological Consequences of the Way of Thinking based on the Static Mathematic

A Dialectical View on the Simple Mind, Seen from a Mathematical Perspective


The Concept of the Simple Mind

The Natiocratic Pyramid

In short, the dual → bi-polar DIA binary way of thinking, manifested and externalised in the living reality in some form of "The Concept of the Simple(st) Mind" DIA vulgar minds, that is, present and visible in the form of recognisable behaviour of such simple-reasonable persons, as a final upshot of the conflict inside simple(st) (fused) mind, allows an easy redirection of the attention of involved actors within the methodological framework of the (recti)linear comprehension of space and time, far out of the real happenings (within the abandoned creatively empty, black hole), that is, there where to 'they' DIA them it want. For example, this can be manifested in some form of the simple-minded, that is, barren and endless discussion between the subdued (suppressed) dialect - spirit and this kind of the superior (?) dialect - mind,

within the presented creative framework of the fused (converged) mind. In this particular case, it is about redirecting the attention of all (involved) actors to cash flows, which occur outside the corporation (joint-stock company), respectively to THE PRICE of share determined by the financial market, instead of the paying attention to happenings within the corporation (the internal cash flows), that is, THE VALUE of the share calculated on the basis of the sum of all dividends paid until then. All this in spite of the possibility that various issued financial paper money can be (partially) sucked out (absorbed) over time and space (creating the so-called financial SPECULATIVE bubbles). In addition to this, apart from the sucked out financial resources of the corporations, including the unpaid ALL FUTURE dividends from the achieved profit to their (temporal, changeable) owners, that is, reaching far beyond this way of conceiving and understanding of time and space, into THIS KIND OF FUTURE, as a consequence of the fabrications of financial statements, for example; in the similar way can be sucked out financial resources, which actually DO NOT BELONG to shareholders (owners of this kind of business organising: joint-stock company) using this kind of the business environment (and also the living environment as well, due to the forcible incorporation of the created problems through this kind of the business organising to non-shareholders) DIA the suitable medium: (Global) Financial Markets.

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF 'US'

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF 'US'


The Concept of the Simple Mind

The Natiocratic Pyramid


The Methodological Consequences of the Way of Thinking based on the Static Mathematic

A Dialectical View on the Simple Mind, Seen from a Mathematical Perspective

And THIS ASPECT of that way of conducting business is in fact the core of the sudden emergence (IS IT SO?) of big economical crisis, caused by the crush of the financial markets DIA the suitable secret (obscured) schemes, manifested in this case in the form of various types of financial speculations and market manipulations (malversations). In other words, in this case was sucked out CASH of citizens (their savings), pension-, health-, social .... funds, which are GUARANTEED BY THE STATE, that is, this cash has to be compensated by the state. Because any kind of the natiocratic state does not earn money, the made loses will be compensated by taxpayers, including also those who did not participate in this kind of the organised "financial casino for the gambling". Or uttered it in another way, because of the fact the citizens are the main tax-contributors to the budget of a state, directly or indirectly (through the taxing of their consumption), in this way it will be transferred ADDITIONAL financial resources from the individual (citizen's) sphere to the created abyss ("black hole") also by this way of business organising as well, within a broader framework of the debtors' DIA debt economics. In other words, in the "business" environment of the debtor's DIA debt's economics, additional indebtedness of future generations is a natural consequence of that because with the available financial resources is not feasible to close up the created "black hole". And the worst, all this happens in front of the (CLOSED?) eyes of the professors employed at (THE ELITIST'S, particularly) universities, which instead of being guardians of the public interests of all citizens [the members of the business and the (semi-) state elite are also a part of it or not?], being natural-evolutionary selected, have chosen the protection of narrow-minded interests of the natiocratic elite.

Or uttered it in another way, because each established natiocratic order has its specific absolute dogma, NONE OF THEM, ideologically blinded by the way of thinking of the CROWD DIA various groups, dares to address and QUESTION this dialectical content, including the simple separation of the initiated (recti)linear processes as well, in order to be possible to distinguish between the INTERNAL (relevant) and the EXTERNAL (irrelevant) CASH FLOWS, seen from the perspective of the developed scientific (theoretical and methodological) foundations and approaches. On the contrary, they prevent it from being done by those who are more knowledgeable, and particularly, braver than they, as it my own experience of dealing with them shows and proves.

This shows too that the ALL ESTABLISHED NATIOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS are actually protectors of the selfish interests of the elite, including the own personal interests. As it was demonstrated in the creative articles, noted down by this creator of knowledge, these established natiocratic institutions accomplish that through various ways of the purposeful diverting attention from the RELEVANT happenings within the established natiocratic society, based on the idea of the (mis)use of the (fused) simple(st) minds DIA the purposefully created vulgar ones, as an utmost creative upshot of the reasoning DIA comprehending of the (recti)linear space and time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF US [perceive, "not as something outside of ME", reinterpreting this dialectical content from an INDIVIDUAL perspective], to the less relevant ones, and particularly to the irrelevant (and self-deceptive) happenings, which are actuall by-products of various ways of the manifesting that within the created framework of the merged (coalesced and fused) dialect - mind (with spirit). Or put it in another way,

In short, seen from the dialectical methodological perspective, through THEIR OBSCURED PRESENCE, hidden within the deserted dark, creatively blank hole, they were made busy by accomplishment of various, everywhere recognisable, barren and useless (creative) activities within the established natiocratic institutions and organisations. Considered from the viewpoint of HUMANITY, it was also created some kind of the COALESCED (merged and fused) PRESENT (TIME) - FUTURE, that is, the continuation of this kind of the present (time), captured in the barrel of their darkness, approximately, AS IT WAS IN THE PAST and as it is NOW for ever, according to them.

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Apart from this, it was brought out on the light of day, the INTOLERABLE DISCREPANCY IN TREATMENT of individual beings (citizens) and group units (societal categories), respectively the intolerable discrepancy between the individual (human) way of thinking and group DIA crowd way of thinking. By the way said, in this creative work, it was written a lot about the concept of individualism, which has nothing to do, nor it has anything in common with the western conceiving, comprehending and understanding of this notion DIA the corresponding way of thinking. Otherwise, this creator of knowledge, as a (great) individual, would not have been DIA have felt, both so alone and lonely with his exposed ideas and thoughts there, within their created CREATIVE DIA living environment. Actually, this dialectical content, apart from the developed dialectical creative framework for the orientation in time DIA space, presents the greatest (methodological) contribution of this first creative work of his, to the modern thought and knowledge. Although, it might seem at the first look, acquired without a deeper insight into this dialectical content under consideration that the remarks of this creator of knowledge regarding the finance [financial corporations, relation between the share and dividend and the like] are more important, it is not so, seen from a METHODOLOGICAL perspective. In other words, there is no meaning to pay the creative attention on the barren and ENDLESS (re)consideration of consequences and final results of this kind of the natiocratic binary way of thinking, understood in terms of traps of the rectilinear conceiving and comprehension of space AND time, but rather it should be directed the creative efforts to the unmasking of its methodological assumptions, utmost presumptions, and then from this methodological foundation, revealing of the coming out (suitable NATIOCRATIC) postulates. In short, as it was demonstrated in other creative articles too, the redefinition of the (recti)linear time and space, and its transformation into the DIALECTICAL way of conceiving, comprehending and understanding of it (time DIA space), requires redefinition of ALL AND EVERYTHING. By the way, creatively uttering this dialectical content, from someone, who received two degrees in (international) business economics, studying in two different ideological systems, but both the natiocratic ones, perhaps might be expected. On the other hand, if someone told me a few years ago that I will develop, as a creator OF knowledge, a methodological approach, it would be accepted by me as a (salty) joke.

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF 'US'

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF 'US'


Arising DIA Enlightenment of a Simplest One in Time DIA Space

Arising DIA Enlightenment of a Simplest One in Time DIA Space

In any case, it is more than enough only one of the previously mentioned reasons, to have been mercilessly attacked such an unwished intruder by the (inter) national dark network, particularly, by its core, which controls the (inter) national security services. Seen from this (tri)angle, the uttered thoughts related to the finance and the debtor's DIA debt economy were more dangerous and more than enough reason for the persecution of this creator of knowledge, no matter, where to he moved.

By the way said, in each country which was visited by me in those time, was actual a financial scandal. In other words, some parts of the international dark network tried to disburden themselves of the taken business risk, because they also were aware of the fact that the financial and economic crisis is unavoidable, that is, buying the time and space for the forthcoming events. Keep in mind, the each step of this creator of knowledge, particularly, THE CREATIVE ONES, were followed by the obscured cameras and the suitable sensors of the (inter)national dark network. In other words, their continual presence on the internet, in my lap top and the mobile phone they ceased to hide. In either case, for thy orientation in time DIA space, without mentioning the big (shareholders) investors, even the managements DIA boards of directors [close to (DIA named by) the politicians] of large multinational companies, with their enormous salaries and bonuses, have a "budget" for buying services from various PRIVATE security agencies for doing that, if there is a need for it. But there is no need for it, because the FINANCIAL LOBBY is too strong without their help, apart from the fact that there is no any chance of getting a job in their multinational corporations. And as you will see in the following parts of this creative article, this has been not all, what was written in regard with the natiocratically shareholders' way of the running of an economy within the framework of the economics of debtors DIA debts. In addition to this, it was also written there a lot about the role of big troublemakers, including the military ones DIA weapon business sector, in the making a purposeful destabilisation (confusion) of the (parts of) world for an easier carrying out of their narrow-minded interests, within which have been always blurred their personal ones. As a result of all this, the stay of this creator of knowledge in the next year (2000) in Germany ALSO was entirely organised, understood in terms of performing their (EU-NATO) typical DIA recognizable, all-saying plays of art. The similar course of events took place during the stay of this creator of knowledge in England, Netherlands, Belgium, .... In other words, they DIA 'them' are present everywhere!

Finishing the first part of this big creative article, it is apparent that by this creator of knowledge were harshly CRITICISED SOME EXTERNAL ASPECTS of the shareholder's way of organising business, which ARE NOT AT ALL FOUNDED on the theory of business economics and finance, but rather it is a simple-minded application of it by the so-called financial engineers (quasi-inventors) DIA the suitable management, which were "naturally selected", brought up and breed on these (semi-developed) ideas ("requalification") within various (unofficial) "scientific institutions", going that far, that by them also were put aside DIA misused the MAIN POSTULATES of finance. As a result of it, the consequences of this charlatanic approach, are very detrimental FOR THE MOST of citizens (non-shareholders, at the first place), and for their DESCENDANTS, PARTICULARLY. This critical reviewing was done by reconsidering this dialectical content from the methodological standpoint of the developed dialectic interactive approach, whose major feature is separation (INDIVIDUALISIERUNG, too) of initiated dia-processes (thesis, antithesis, synthesis DIA the renewed thesis, the renewed antithesis, ....), understood in terms of the distinction (more DIA less) GOOD from the (more DIA less) evil (ones), seen from a perspective of the involved citizens (individuals). Actually, it is an antithesis to the conventional (existing) approach of the consideration of this same dialectical interactive content from the viewpoint of various involved groups DIA the crowding their narrow - minded interests into a common point of the established natiocratic order, represented by the state, (military, market, ....) network structure and the like. Or even worse, by handing it over to the main actors of various forms of the (unofficial) secret (obscure) structures for devicing various secret schemes behind the obscured sceneries. As a final result of this approach, the role and INFLUENCE of individual actors and their collective manifestations in time DIA space, based on the truth, trust and love (family, creative teams, for example), HAS BEEN NEGLECTIBLE in all established natiocratic orders, known so far. This is also valid for this latest established natiocratic order (DEBTISM), which was under the particular consideration within this creative article, based on the running of economics by the means of purposeful creating of the highly dependent debtors DIA continual making debts over their time (past ⇢ present time ⇢ future) and space (fused mind, matter).