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the power of pictures: dialectical creatively interactive approach

The three basic dialectical principles, aspects, properties and manifestations in (of) time DIA space

The Cheops Pyramid in Egypt

Dialectical Interactive Approach has emerged as a result of a synthesis of the preserved knowledge of dialectics with the left behind footprints of the hidden (lost) pre-ancient knowledge. In short, in dialectical interactive (methodological) approach, important role plays the accumulated experience, knowledge and value (wisdom) of the gone times (dia suitable space). In other words, without the (neglected role of) past in the contemporary (societal) thought on the expense of the (recti)linear way of understanding the ('future' in) time and space, there is no GREAT future for the human genus. To be understood and properly solved the paradoxes, phenomena, illusions, and challenges of the (recti)linear way of understanding the space and time, this comprehending of the space and time was also redefined in these creative articles using the main postulates of the revived pre-ancient knowledge. Methodological pillars of this pre-ancient knowledge were hidden in symbolic interpretation (dia creative implementation) of pre-ancient four elements (fire, water, air, earth). In short, the secrets of this higher knowledge and the applied methodological approach, respectively the secrets of these four elements, were hidden in the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt dia eternalized by the building of it.

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the power of pictures: Three Basic Dialectical Principles

picturesque way of presentation of the hidden Knowledge continues ....

this picturesque comic strip (cartoon) continues ....

the power of pictures: origin of the symbol of human(e) genus: plato - timaeus

the power of pictures: search for the lost contents of plato's dialectos timaeus continues

the power of pictures: searching for real origin of the hidden knowledge continues

a summary of the dialectic interactive approach

Time and Space VERSUS Time dia Space

ending thougths

RECCOMMENDED FOR READING: Creative Capabilities of the Modern Mind seen from the Perspective of Creating Knowledge

Plato Timaeus - Part Two: A creative traveling through the dialectical understanding of the time DIA space

what is time?

what is space?

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the power of pictures: three basic dialectical principles

Dialectic Interactive Approach

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Time DIA Space

The main feature of this methodological approach is the use of the linguistic pictographic language of symbols ("ideograms"), as a sort of a pictorial writing system for an advanced way of CREATIVELY INTERACTIVE communication during the process of creation of knowledge. A good example of this linguistic and lively "pictographic script" is the pictorial presentation and interpretation of the three basic dialectical principles, aspects, properties and manifestations of time / in the time DIA space. Who among you would think that such a simple pictorial representation of these four ancient elements (fire, water, air, earth) has SOMETHING TO DO with the three basic dialectical principles, aspects, properties and manifestations in (of) time DIA space? In short, this PICTURESQUE view of the worlds of dialectics is the main feature that distinguishes the dialectical interactive approach from other methodological approaches. As a result of this, the developed dialectical interactive approach is a UNIQUE methodological approach, just because of its picturesque linguistic approach, which allows that a very complex methodological content to be relatively quickly adopted and understood without the use of too many supportive words.

FOUR - TRIANGULAR STAR, as a Final Result of the Acting Three Basic Dialectical Aspects, Principles, Manifestations and Properties in Time dia Space

1 - The Unity and Exerting of Dialectical Tensions (Contradictions) in Time DIA Space 2 + 2a + 2b – The Transition, Transformation, Metamorphoses and the Transfiguration of the Quantitative and Qualitative Accumulation in Time DIA Space into a Higher (Renewed) Quality 3a + 3b - Everything in Time DIA Space undergoes Development and becomes its Own Dialectical Opposing (Contradiction)
1’ - The Unity and Struggle of Dialectical Tensions (Contradictions) in Time DIA Space at a new Higher Level [New Rectangle (Square) DIA Four Triangles and so on] (with)in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces.

Source: "Traces of Dialectics in Time DIA Space – Methodology for Creating Knowledge, Jovanović, 2001"

The Concept of the Living God


Dialectics of Dialectics DIA Negations of Negations

This ground plan was eternalized in the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt

By the resurgence of this lost PICTORIAL way of presentation of this complex dialectical content, it was shown in successive series of pictures the whole flow of these utterly complex dialectical processes, understood in the sense of unfolding this dialectical way of interactively creative (re)action of these three basic dialectical aspects, principles, properties and manifestations in time DIA space. In addition to this, it was also presented in a picturesque way, how they were maintained in the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of the world of dialectics as well as in which way they proceed from one another: 1’ (the first) basic dialectical principle at a new Higher Level of time DIA space. Apart from Plato, the way of thinking of Empedocles of Acreages in Sicily (490 – 430 B.C), had a great impact on the development of dialectical interactive methodological approach. An inspirational thought of Empedocles is also his famous sentence that

By the way, to the opinion of this creator of knowledge, this is the most authentically formulated dialectical interpretation of the first dialectical principle, aspect, manifestation, and property of the dialectical way of understanding the time DIA space: The Unity and Struggle of Opposites in Time DIA Space.

In either way, by this picturesque depiction was significantly simplified a very difficult dialectical content for conceiving and understanding, as it is METHODOLOGY by definition. Perceive too that the dialectical interplay of these four SYMBOLICAL pre-ancient dialects takes place within a PICTURESQUE rectangle (square: cuboid), whose image was imprinted in the ground plan of Cheops' (Khufu’s) pyramid, as a kind of embodiment of THESE CREATIVE EXPANSES OF THE FOUR-TRIANGULAR STAR. In other words, it might be argued that in this way this pre-ancient methodological approach for the creation of knowledge was perpetuated (and hidden), respectively, allowing it to come again in light of the day, in the case, it was lost this important part of the higher (hidden) knowledge, from one or another reason. In short, this linguistic "pictographic script" (of symbols) evokes to mind dia reason, by awakening, awaking, and setting in motion asleep thoughts, which were impressed, imprinted and stored DIA hidden deep in the subconscious and unconsciousness ("imaginative server") of human beings, and which can be recollected and revived in time DIA space by "little" help of the dialect - spirit of those beings with (deep) human root.

The whole text can be read in the creative article: The Three Basic Dialectical Principles, Aspects, Properties and Manifestations of Time (in Time) DIA Space.

picturesque way of presentation of the hidden knowledge continues ....

The Methodological Consequences of the Way of Thinking based on the Static Mathematic

A Dialectical View on the Simple Mind, seen from the Mathematical Perspective

The Static DIA Dynamic Mathematik in the Living Reality: The Training of the Philosophic DIA Artistic Dialect

Four Basic Mathematical Operations presented like a Road of Triangles


Gravitational Abysses ("0" - Black Holes) Bounded with the Numbers (Values) TWO (2) AND ZERO (0)

In this chapter, it's going to be shown by this creator of knowledge that the developed concept of the simple(st) mind was DEEPLY IMPLANTED into the static (binary) math, that is, its origin is there. Or put it in another way, it might be argued that this kind of math, seen from the perspective of its logics (logical, mathematical operations), has its origin in this (basically) simplest (dynamic) concept for (creative) orientation within this (recti)linear way of understanding of space and time. By the way said, the influence of these mathematical patterns of thought on the modern thought was also observed by some scientists (philosophers, artists, and culturologists) too. This creator of knowledge has deeper reconsidered this basic idea by going METHODOLOGICALLY BEHIND this observed challenge in time DIA space. The outcome of this creative journey was also presented in a PICTORIAL way.

In short, by using the developed powerful "tools" of the dialectic interactive approach, understood in terms of undertaking an appropriate creative traveling through this dialectical way of comprehending the time DIA space, the four basic operations of the dynamical mathematics (addition, multiplication, subtraction and division) were more thoroughly reconsidered from this DIALECTICAL methodological point of view. Or more simply said, this dialectical content of the dynamic (quantitative) math was reflected through the prism of the Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces. All these creative discoveries of the previously mentioned mathematical (digitalized) patterns of thought, were graphically presented in the illustrations, which are shown beneath this paragraph. In other words, in this illustrative way, it was shown that this developed concept of the simple(st) mind, as well as its graphical illustration (displayed on thy left side) is not a fanciful invention of this creator of knowledge, as one of you so thought (he is not a painter), but rather by putting this dialectical, interactively creative content in front of your eyes, it can be perceived and verified even by the five famous "scientific" senses.

For (mathematical) details of this creative voyages, read the rest of the creative article: Static DIA Dynamic Math reflected through the Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach.

Introduction into Dialectic Interactive Approach

Couple Dialect: Thesis DIA Antithesis


Implications of the Conflict within the Simple(st) Mind

Bipolar DIA Binary Way of Thinking

This creator of knowledge hopes that in the above shown graphical illustration, it was not difficult to be recognized (many) images of the "(Recti) linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time and Space, which was the result of a deeper dialectical reconsideration of the four basic mathematical operations. In this chapter, the methodological consequences of this "mathematical" (digitalised) way of thinking will be elaborated, seen from the perspective of the developed static mathematical models of reality. First of all, it is noticeable that dynamic math DIA static (binary) math may also be expressed in terms the COUPLES OF RIGHT-ANGLED triangles DIA triad of triangles. Secondly, it is easy to observe that this graphical illustration of the "(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space" lacks one triangle, or the two right-angled triangles, if you so will. A consequence of this 'OR - OR' created defect is the rectilinear (bi-polar) DIA binary way of thinking, recognizable in the everyday language, as the brain - body, mind - matter, spirit - matter, soul - body, respectively yes - no, true - false, 0 - 1, black - white and the like. In short, because of being based on the bipolar way of thinking, all the essential processes within this imaginary line were concentrated on its two poles (0-1): The everything else between them was simply attracted by the strong "gravitational" forces of these two poles, understood in terms of the mutual approaching these two different points (of views, for example), including the forcible one, thereby pressing together all between them. In other words, all it that was not incorporated by these two (OR - OR) poles (DIA one), was dispersed and excluded, that is, neglected, neutralized. For further information read the creative article: "The Methodological Consequences of the Way of Thinking based on the Static DIA Dynamic Mathematics".

In the living reality, this 'OR - OR' deficiency has been manifested by the various stages of development of simple(st) DIA vulgar mind. Such persons, although often (very) well educated, but equipped with this kind of (fused) mind, can easily be recognized during a conversation, for it will be very quickly established that they do not know for a third, fourth ... way but only for this previously methodologically elaborated bi-polar DIA binary OR - OR way of communication: Do you agree OR disagree with me (us), are you for us OR against us .... In other words, it seems that it is very difficult for them to cross the magical boundary of number two (2), during their (creative) orientation in the time and space: 0 - 1, 1 - 2, 0 - 2: The greatest span of time and their range of space (0 - 2), understood in terms of the broadness of their cognitive horizons (frames of reference), creative abilities of the simple(st) mind. Because their reasoning and orientation in time and space is based exclusively on the five basic senses ["cold" (senseless) brain], that is, there is no sense of intuition and sense of feeling (her-, himself), they are unable to show (any kind of) human sympathy ("heart": dehumanized). It can go so far that they DIA 'them' are merciless even to themselves, and for this reason to their family members, (closest) relatives too.

Unfortunately, in the natiocratic (political, economic, cultural ...) systems, this type of people LARGELY prevails, as a result of the EXTERNAL natiocratic suppression, subjugation, suffocation .... loyalty (obedience: various manifestations of the 'freedom of theirs'), which is in its INNER manifestations, by having its source there, in full compliance with the suppression, subduing, subordinating and deadening the dialect - spirit by the dialect - mind dia reason, or vice - versa, within this concept of the so-called fused (merged) mind. It seems, this abandoned hollow (of the natiocratic darkness in the "head": in the inner being) serves as a kind of well-isolated buffer between these two (spiritually, and thus mindually also) separated worlds of these completely distinguished beings and species, although they live side by side, as a result of different (building blocks of) understanding the meaning of time "AND versus DIA" space. Here, it is very important to be emphasized that these different ways of orientation and abilities of dialectical synthesizing in time "AND versus DIA" space are not genetically (matter-like) determined, although it is their ONLY common feature [external appearance, including common genetic relation (flesh and blood) ...,], but rather it is individually determined (and inherited), that is, these aspects of the considered dialectical content are spiritual nature (peculiarity of the inner DIA inmost being: Kingdom of ?).

The whole text can be read in the creative article: Methodological Consequences of the Way of Thinking based on the Static DIA Dynamic Mathematics.

this picturesque comic strip (cartoon) continues....

If someone of you thought, this is the end of this rectilinear (methodological) story, based also on the hidden (lost) knowledge, (s)he was again wrong. A distinct feature of the PICTORIAL WAY of presentation of a dialectical (creatively) interactive content, particularly if it is about the hidden (higher) knowledge, is its ending with something even more spectacular. In other words, if someone of you had thought that the "Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF us" as well as its graphical illustration (shown on thy left side) was also a fanciful invention of this creator of knowledge (again, he is not a painter, although a lover of art), (s)he was again not in the right, that is, on the side of light and the suitable enlightenment. In short, after the initiation of a dialectical process(ion) of the two right-angled triangles, the result will be a kind of the four-pointed star (the figure in the second column). Or put it in another way, the two right-angled triangles passed through, and then, were transformed and metamorphosed (DIALECTICS IN ACTION) into a HEADLESS five-pointed star.

Arising DIA (Re)Enlightenment of a Simple-Reasonable Being in Time DIA Space

Static Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF US: Note, there is no inner space "and" time in the head of this simple-minded and simple-reasonable person but an abandoned hollow, as a consequence of relocation of the mind dia reason from its innate place [as a result of it, it is only perceived external space and time, while each spiritual, minded and reasonable content also has to be "depicted" in this external space and time in order to be perceived and verified by the five basic (scientific) senses]

Notice, the initial dialectical process(ion) of the two right-angled triangles is relatively easy task compared to the finding a way to be solved this unwished scenario in time AND the related situation in space, that is, to be established the true reasons, why this simple-minded person stabbed that deeply her/his head, accordingly to be persuaded of free will to pull (out( her / his head from there. In either case, in the pre-ancient knowledge, this scenario in time AND the related situation in space (picture) presented well known behavior of the proverbial Monkey, that sees nothing, hears nothing...., accordingly of the proverbial ostrich with the head deeply pricked into the sand, into some kind of the "dark", black, and creatively empty hole, from one or another reason.

Dialectic Interactive Approach

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces


The Concept of the (Recti)linear Universe: Happenings in the (Recti)linear Space and Time

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space

Keep in mind, only after it was managed to arise such a simple-reasonable person on the legs by bringing her / him into the light of the day, there is a sense to try to redirect this fallen (simple - minded) being further upward, that is, to be gradually arisen and re-enlightened in spiritual DIA mindual terms. In short, to be recreated a HUMAN(E) BEING with the proudly risen head, that is, WITH THE FOREHEAD DIRECTED TO THE HEAVENLY ETERNITY. In other words, the ultimate creative goal, that is, a completed (recomposed) and illuminated five-pointed star (a /fe/male being) was shown in the fourth column. Because this is a very difficult task (problem with the "camel AND the eye of a needle"), some of us are still forced to creatively act in the world of totalitarian rule of the simple(st) mind, having the support of (ideologically and 'theologically') akin fused minds. In other words, until this way of conceiving and understanding of the 'time and space', and the corresponding (recti)linear binary [OR] way of thinking was not changed, there is neither possibility nor feasibility of any kind of traveling in another way, including the journeys in spiritual DIA mindual terms, that is, in the creative sense, as a precondition for undertaking the corresponding physical (matter-like) voyages.

A further consequence of this, seen from the methodological point of view, is the reasoning and comprehending of the (recti)linear space and time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE of us. Take notice that the aforementioned dialectical content was symbolically presented by the (creatively) abandoned hollow in the head of this five-sensed being, shown on thy left side (NO INNER SPACE: NO INNER DIALECTICAL WORLDS). In the living reality, this methodologically elaborated scenario in time AND related situation in space will be manifested through various ways of manipulating public opinion. For example, by a tricky and seductive presentation of a dialectical content within the artificially created MEDIUM of the merged (coalesced and fused) dialect mind - spirit, the attention of the inhabitants can be redirected from the more important events, which in the meanwhile take place within the graphically presented "abandoned, CREATIVELY BLANK HOLLOW. Moreover, in this way have been also allowed a variety of ways to flee from the face with (causes) problems and related challenges within DIA around you in the society. In other words, all the evil (of this world) was seen (Matthew - 23:25-26), or searched for, around you [space and time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF us], inside of others (Matthew - 7:1-5) .... everywhere, but not there, where the core of the problem (challenge) is. In short, this is a typical behavior of every simple - minded (and godless) person.

By concluding this dialectical interactive content under consideration, the pre-ancient (hidden) knowledge offers a simple solution of the aforementioned problem (creative challenge) with the "camel AND the eye of a needle". Because a COMMON feature of all fused (simplest) minds is stunted (cap)abilities of acting DIA thinking in an individual way (an 'individual' WITHOUT INDIVIDUALITY); pick up, or put the figure of this HEADLESS five-pointed star (in thy mind), and then, each time when it was observed an image of the "(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space", SIMPLY join it with this HEADLESS five-pointed star. For sure, it FITS PERFECTLY with each of them. If not, then definitely, you met a (great) INDIVIDUAL. As a reward, you can publish in the 'Journal of Darwin's Theory of Natural Evolution' that it was finally discovered by you in this age of rule of natiocracy a new (unknown and very rare human) genus. By the way, these headless species are very suitable for traveling on long distances (through the universe), or through time (PAST, PRESENT TIME, FUTURE) and space (FUSED MIND, MATTER) because the most sensitive part of a human being should not be transferred on these long distances. In short, after arrival on the desired destination, it can be simply fastened together with some kind of (the ‘EMPTY’) head again. It functions perfectly, runs, and survives in each kind of (natiocratic) life-environment. What to be done if there is not enough the "(Recti)linear Creative Frameworks for the Orientation in Time AND Space" and the HEADLESS five-pointed stars for fastening together with each other? SIMPLY, continue with this ENDLESS generation of new ones by applying this mathematical pattern of thought:


Arising DIA (Re)Enlightenment of a Simple-Reasonable Being in Time DIA Space

the power of pictures: origin of the symbol of humane (e) genus: plato - timaeus

The Methodological Creative Framework

The Ultimate DIA Probable Methodological Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach


Culture DIA Religion

The Background Simulative Methodological Assumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

In this creative article, the antique text Timaeus of Plato was unraveled, the essence of which is actually a universal pictorial frame for the illustration of the symbol of human genus. Plato in his philosophical work Timaeus presents in a SYMBOLIC WAY through the mouth of Timaeus philosopher, the universe, its composition as well as the creation of human being and many others. His initiation in the secret learning of Egyptian temples as well as his membership of Pythagorean secret-societies forbade Plato from writing in a direct way. For this reason, the text was composed of a myriad of symbolic terms and the phrasing of these was such that it was necessary to know the methodics as well as the applied methodical procedure itself, in order for the reader of this enigmatic text to understand what the (dialectos) Timaeus is about. In other words, only initiated into this hidden knowledge could make sense from such a text, while for others it has just remained pages and pages of profound well-written, but unintelligible nonsense (Tons Brunes, 1967). READ: "Dialectic Interactive Approach: The Methodological Creative Framework".

In other words, Plato used symbols, allegories, metaphors, parables, repetition, "scientific", "philosophic", "artistic" and "cultural" reasoning as well as other figuratives (linguistic dialects) in order to express himself in this enigmatic way: Dialectos (of parables). For this reason, in order to be decoded this dialectos of parables the vital key was necessary and without it the text remained incomprehensible and mysterious. This is why it was so difficult to trace any useful references to the hidden ancient knowledge, although since these antique days, it was read by many without much success to get clue, what this text was about. Does it mean that this hidden knowledge died with Plato and with the disappearance of the Egyptian secret order "brethren of temples". This creator of knowledge does not think so because he argues that memory (memorance) DIA the related impressions imprinted in time DIA space live for ever. In Christ’s words:

Dialectics of Dialectics DIA Negations of Negations

The Symbol of the Human(e) Genus

1. PLATO: “The construction of this world used up the whole of each these four elements. For the Creator constructed it out of all the fire and water and all the air and earth available, leaving no part of any of them nor any power of them outside. His intention was, in the first place, that living being should be as far as possible a perfect whole and of perfect parts; secondly, that it should be one, leaving no remnants out of which another such world might be created; and also that it should be free from old age and unaffected by disease. ….”

The Concept of the Living God


Potentially REGENERATION Prolific Star DIA ("Self"-)Transfering of the LIFE, by words of Plato

1. COMMENT OF BOBAN: This is an argument in the behalf of a thesis, by such an authority as Plato, that the world was created as a result of the Greatest Creator’s will, knowledge, creativity and the wisdom of His, comprehended in terms of the FOUR primary DIA proto dialectical paradigmatic methodological presumptions in action within the dialectical creative framework for the orientation in the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces. In other words, it was not an accidental event, as both scientists and pseudo-scientists claim that.

2. PLATO: “…. On this account and for this reason, He made this (dialectical) world a single complete whole, consisting of parts that are wholes, and subject neither to age nor decease (The Innermost Being). The shape He gave it, was suitable shape for a living being that was to contain within itself all living beings [to come over the passage of this dialectical understanding of time DIA space], would be a figure that contains all possible figures within itself [see the Symbol of the Human(e) Genus]. Therefore He turned it into a rounded spherical shape, having its extremes in every directions EQUIDISTANT from the centre.….” “…. Nothing was taken from it or added to it, for there was nothing that could be; for it was designed to supply its own nourishment from its own DECAY and to comprise and cause all necessary (dia)processes, as its Creator thought that it was better for it to be self-sufficient than dependent on anything else. …”

COMMENT OF BOBAN: By this statement, Plato wants to say that this creation DIA regeneration (recreation) continues to function endlessly within the initiated and assigned time DIA space because His creation (conceptual model by Plato's words) is self-sufficient and independent on anything else. As it Plato pointed out on a later stage of his creative work, the four primary DIA proto dialectical principles, elements, dialects pass on to one another, as it would seem, in an unbroken circle (cycles) the gift of birth (to each other).

The whole text of the first part of unraveling Plato's dialectos Timaeus can be read in the creative article: Plato Timaeus - Part One: The hidden knowledge of Plato's Demiurge.

PLATO: ... "This was the plan of the Eternal God, which He gave to the (Living) God [respectively the Living God DIA the manifestation of Him within the time DIA space, was a part of this plan (TIME IN SPACE)] about (one day) to come into existence (SPACE IN TIME), to whom He gave a body, a smooth and even, in every direction equidistant from the centre …... And He put soul in the centre, which He diffused throughout the body ..… His creation, for all these reasons, was blessed by God. ..…. But God created the soul before the body and gave it precedence both in time and value (Spirit DIA Mind), and made it the dominating and controlling partner. And He composed it in the following way, and out of the following elements and on this wise:"

Dialectics of Dialectics DIA Negations of Negations: plato timaeus, hidden knowledge, Demiurge

The Four Primary DIA Proto Paradigmatic Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

5. COMMENT OF BOBAN: ....... In this passage of Plato, the eternal model was framed and symbolically presented to the non-initiated into this hidden knowledge by using the methodological framework of four elements, so that, 'though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand' (Luke-8:9-10, Matthew - 13:10-17). After the initialization and execution of this eternal model by transferring the breath of life from the For Ever Existing (Immortal) God to the Living One (in time DIA space), as well as to His overall creative endeavor and entrepreneurship [renewal of life and revival of the created worlds of dialectics], this divine plan was accomplished as a copy of this eternal model (Magnificent Picture), and the time starts to flow DIA space (universe) was created: Plato's concept of the eternal model dia a myriad of its copies (implementations). In other words, Plato wants to say that everything came into existence through creation by the Greatest Creator by sparking, igniting and setting four elements (fire, earth, water, air) in a continuous dialectical process because after their successful initialization using this divine way, according to Plato: "The four elements pass on to one another, as it would seem, in an unbroken circle (cycles: spiral) the gift of birth (to each other)". For additional information, also read the Revelation of St. John the Divine. Again circle? Bingo! Why Plato does it repeat? Bingo!

The Indivisible, Unchanging Existence

The Indivisible, Unchanging Existence

6. PLATO: "Out of the indivisible, eternally unchangeable Existence"

6. COMMENT OF BOBAN: Shall I-thou-we present the indivisible, eternally unchanging Existence (Essence: human single soul DIA aura) by a circle? I suggest, NO, because Plato’s description of a circle is so obvious, and the purpose of his tale is to hide it and not so plainly to reveal it. For this reason, let’s do it by depicting an ellipse-like (egg-like) shape. By the way said, creators of knowledge are not perfect beings. In the case that you are perfect, draw a circle because the main didactic message will be the same. In other words, this creative article is dedicated to Plato: to a great philosopher and artist (writer). Apart from that, this is also a story about fashion models and their long legs. Seen from the dialectical perspective, the reflection of this ellipse-like shape, that is, of the diffused soul of this universal Inner Being (”Model” by the words of Plato), will be impressed and imprinted into a human being like an invisible aura of her- / his body. This indivisible, eternally unchanging Existence was symbolically illuminated and presented by the dialect - fire, because according to Timaeus:

The Divisible, Changing Existence of the Physical World

The Divisible, Changing Existence of the Physical World

7. PLATO: “and the divisible, changing Existence of the physical world”

7. COMMENT OF BOBAN: In the antique age, the divisible, changing existence of the physical world was presented by a rectangle (square: see also the ground plan of the Cheops' / Khufu’s pyramid). By the way, which another geometric shape can be divided physically (rectilinearly) DIA symbolically into two (four) rectangles, respectively in a myriad of rectangles (squares) DIA TRIANGLES. As it will be shown in the next step of this unraveling Plato's parable Timaeus, a triangle was a common denominator between "the indivisible, eternally unchangeable existence" (ellipse, circle) and "the divisible, changeable existence of the physical world" (rectangle): actually a couple of triangles (thesis and antithesis) in order to be harnessed in the best way their essence and full meaning. Contrary to the ellipse or circle, each rectangle can be divided and presented by triangular surfaces, and this aspect in the mind of ancient people was their way to distinguish between the indivisible and eternally unchangeable existence (geometrically unmanageable reality: time in space-like aspect of reality) and the divisible and changeable existence (geometrically manageable reality: space in time-like feature of reality).

In spite of being acquainted with the mathematical aspects of the spherical surfaces (Pi value, for example), antique Greeks and ancient people in the general preferred geometrical way of the presentation of the abstract and concrete reality and the corresponding pictorial ways to describe, explain, elaborate, and present it. The pictographic writing system and the suitable (creative way of) thinking is only one example of it, as well as the most known one. Keep in mind, this dialectical interactively creative content is also in full agreement with Plato's ideas and thoughts:

This divisible, changing Existence of the physical world was symbolically presented by the dialect - earth, because according to Timaeus:

8. Timaeus Plato: "Wherefore also God in the beginning of creation made the universal creative frame(work) of the universe to consists of fire [(lights of the) heavens] and earth [earthens]"..... For this reason,

8. COMMENT OF BOBAN: What can better and simpler (triangularly) express a mixture of the two previous forms in order to be created a common whole [to span (dialectically synthesise) the essence of the two previous surfaces] than a triangle,

Triangle: The Intermediary Existence: origin of the symbol of the human genus, plato timaeus

Triangle: The Intermediary Essence

According to Plato, two things (pair-dialect: thesis dia antithesis) cannot be rightly put together without a third; there must be some bond of union (synthesis) between them, holding them together" (DIA the Renewed Thesis). Seen from the methodological standpoint of this dialectical interactive approach, this two-way approach to the dialectical content under creative consideration (thesis dia antithesis) can better and more productively harness the essence of the initiated dialectical processes (the renewed thesis) by binding them together (synthesis) in this dialectical way of dealing with creative challenges of reality. In this particular case, this binding Essence, an intermediator between The Indivisible, Unchanging Existence and The Divisible, Changing Existence of the Physical World, was symbolically presented by the dialects - water and air, because according to Timaeus:

The Six-Pointed Star

The Six-Pointed Star

9. PLATO: "again with the Same (water) and the Different (air) He made, in the same way, compounds to intermediate between their indivisible element (fire) and their physical and divisible element (earth): and taking these three components (ellipse, rectangle, triangle), He binded them into single form (six-pointed star), compressing by force the Different (water), which was by nature reluctant and allergic to mixture (back to back position: ◄►), into the union with Same (air), and mingling them with the Essence, in this way out of three made one (whole)….."

9. COMMENT OF BOBAN: As Plato in a previous passage emphasised:

The Six-Pointed Star: origin of the symbol of the human genus, plato timaeus

The Six-Pointed Star

By the way said, perceive this charming presentation of the THESIS and ANTITHESIS by two triangles: An expanse that emerged through the dialectical separation (◄►) dia re-union of the dialects - water and air (six-pointed star). This interactively creative content was symbolically represented by using linguistic dialect: the Same and the Different (Other), respectively, a pair dialect of the Sameness (water) and the Otherness (air). In other words, the Same symbolizes a triangle [thesis], while the Different (Opposite) in time DIA space can be expressed by a (myriad of) different triangle(s) [antithesis: contradictions between the dialects water and air]. This creator of knowledge also hopes it was not difficult to be recognised an image of the six-pointed star, as an utmost result of the re-union of the dialects - water and air [synthesis] DIA [the renewed thesis (that is, the hexagon within it) ....], although it is masked by the rectangle, that is, by the wings (of an angel): the physical world understood in terms of rectilinear presentation of the dialectical reality. Observe too, how the seven-pointed star also fits the triangles within the six-pointed star, marked off by the wide version of the diagonal cross.

By the way, this Plato's pictorial representation and understanding of the triad of thesis, antithesis, synthesis (DIA the Renewed Thesis...) was not sufficiently acknowledged, neither in the classical nor in the contemporary philosophical thought in comparison with other antique philosophers.

10. Timaeus Plato:

The Two Beings DIA One: origin of the symbol of the human genus, plato timaeus

The Two Beings DIA One

10. COMMENT OF BOBAN: This creator of knowledge tried to conjure up the purpose of this holy cut, expressed by the letter X. I hope that everyone is able to see two (2) beings in the perfect union (“so they are no longer two beings, but one” - Matthew, 19:6). Perceive that the heads (mental dialect) were placed within the indivisible eternally unchanging Existence, while the emotive emotional dialect, placed within the rest of the body, is an ennobling part of the divisible changing existence of the physical world (body), as a final result of mixing of them, understood in terms of the Same and the Different (Opposite) in action. Without decoding the full meaning of the vital key (X), that is, both its broad and the narrow manifestation of the Cross in time DIA space, all this would remain a lovely picture from an ancient age pictorially presented by a six-pointed star, within which were depicted two beings, symbolised by two pentacles. In many translations of the Timaeus, instead of the symbol "X", the Holy cut was presented by the symbol "+". By the way said the cross (+) was used by Tons Brunes for the continuation of his creative interpretation of the Timaeus of Plato by putting focus on unraveling secrets for the construction of Great Pyramid of Cheops / Khufu. In spite of the very strong attracting force of this way of the creative interpretation of Plato's dialectos Timaeus, this creator of knowledge applied, to his opinion, the right symbol (X) in order to satisfy the purpose of his creative journey through this dialectical understanding of time DIA space: In Search for the origin of the symbol of the human genus.

The Dialectical Eternity DIA Infinity

Dialectical Frame for the Encapsulation of Eternity DIA Infinity

The Eternity DIA Infinity, symbolically represented as chained Grummets of the Four Elements

Eternity DIA Infinity, symbolically represented as chained Grummets of the Four Elements

Compare Creative Vastness of this Four-Triangular Star to the Symbolical Presentation of Eternity DIA Infinity

Compare Creative Vastness of this Four-Triangular Star to the Symbolical Presentation of Eternity DIA Infinity

Seen from this methodological perspective of the introduced dialectical creative framework for the orientation in time DIA space within the world of dialectics of God, including the creative one, the Crosswise (x) symbolises a (creative) framework for the acting of four ancient primary DIA proto substances, principles, dialects (fire, water, air, earth), as a way of the dialectical encapsulation of eternity DIA infinity

READ: "Dialectic Interactive Approach: The Methodological Creative Framework." In short, the dialectical eternity dia infinity is, in fact, a triangular representation of the eternity DIA infinity [8 DIA horizontal eight (∞)]: A static cross-section of the eternity DIA infinity, understood in terms of the impracticability (futility) of stopping time DIA space within it. Pay the particular attention to the fact that in the dialectical understanding of the eternity DIA infinity, triangles of the four elements (fire, earth, air, water) are perfectly fitted with each other by forming a parallelogram, while in this abstract presentation of the eternity DIA infinity, the ellipses are fitted with each other only within the intersection of these four elements.

The  Six-Pointed Star; The Triad of the Crosses DIA (One) Cross; The Six Crescents in Time DIA Space

The Six-Pointed Star; The Triad of the Crosses DIA (One) Cross; The Six Crescents in Time DIA Space

Finishing the dialectos Timaeus of Plato, this creator of knowledge argues, the two beings dialectically united within the six-pointed star, that is, depicted by the so-called broad version of the crosswise, as a kind of witness of these times DIA spaces, represented by the two five-pointed stars (pentacles), which symbolise the constituents of each pair of thesis and antithesis (the couple dialect) within the world of dialectics of God, could be a POSSIBLE solution of this enigmatic and mysterious text of Plato, understood in terms of the full meaning for the writing the dialectos Timaeus. But by this unraveling of the dialectos of Plato was not finished this antique tale, because this creator of knowledge, becoming even more puzzled with this enigmatic and still mysterious dialectical interactive content, continues his creative traveling through this dialectical understanding of the time DIA space. In other words, this antique world, where you could recognise the origin of the David's star, the Three Crosses DIA One Cross and the Six Crescents, was left behind by him, in order to be continued this creative journey through the ancient world, from this imaginary and imaginative DIA sensible pora-spora in time DIA space, remote 25/24-pointed centuries DIA stars from the living pora-spora of Plato. In that purpose, it was also abandoned the world of Hebraism, (and of the later coming) Christianity and Islam, in order to be entered into the ancient world of the Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism (founded on the yin-yang way of thinking: thesis-antithesis), and on the akin (spiritual) religions of the Far East.

The whole text of the second part of unraveling Plato's dialectos Timaeus can be read in the creative article: Plato Timaeus - Part Two: A Creative Traveling through the Dialectical Understanding of the Time DIA Space.

THE POWER OF PICTURES: searching for the lost contents of plato's dialectos timaeus comtinues

The Narrow Diagonal Cross: Dialectic Synthesised Cross (with)in Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces, understood in Terms of the (Deeper) Deepest Representation

The Narrow Diagonal Cross: Dialectic Synthesised Cross (with)in Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces, understood in Terms of the (Deeper) Deepest Representation

In this creative article, the initiated creative traveling continues in order to complete missing links in this antique dialectos Timaeus of Plato: Quest for the Origin of the Symbol of Humane Genus. First of all, it is noticeable that Plato throughout the text intermingled the story of the creation of the human(e) being with the formation of the universe, using his concept model-copy, among other reasons to mask DIA to blur his creative work. For this reason, according to this creator of knowledge, the text cannot be understood by reading it row by row but rather this dialectically interactive content should be mixed again and then re-interlinked in order to reveal a creative tale among many of them. In other words, the same methodics and methodical procedure is used, which was applied during the noting down Holy Books and Scriptures. In addition to the outlined, seen from this methodological perspective, (with)in the world of dialectics everything more or less mirrors, mimics and imitates everything else within this divine creation (model DIA copies) because by this interpretation of the act of creation (of all and everything) was actually embodied in symbolic terms the creative actions of the four primeval elements (dialects) DIA their proto dialectical principles and manifestations (fire, water, air, earth) in / of time (future, emotive emotional dia physical presence, past) DIA space (spirit, mind dia reason, matter). In short, everything was based on this eternal and unchanging model, that is, created and arranged by using this infinite divine ideal, which pervades the enormous vastness of the (mutual interplay of) time DIA space. By Plato’s words,

The dialectical interactively creative content, presented in the previous part of this creative article, was based on the Plato’s dialectos of parables, uttered through the mouth of Timaeus philosopher. By decoding this dialectos of Plato, from the oblivion, two beings in a perfect union were again brought to the light of day. As Oswald Wirth already emphasised, each symbolic story can always be studied from an infinite number of (tri)angles, and each thinker has the right to discover in it a new meaning, corresponding to the creative framework created by her / his own ideas related to that particular dialectical content under creative (re)consideration. .... For this reason, let’s continue I-thou-we adults with a further dialectical synthesising in time (of time) DIA space with purpose to increase the quality of this lovely liaison between these two beings. Let us do it by drawing a new crosswise, the so-called narrow version of diagonal cross, which actually presents two axis of the previously mentioned TWO CROSSES. Or said it in another way, these two crosses (of the Holy Spirit and Father) reemerged from the depth of eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces, that is, they were regenerated (re-created) by this creative cut. By the way said, in a few century later developed Christian Conception of the Holy Trinity, these TWO CROSSES represent the reflections of the "Immortal God dia Father.... in action" in the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces. In either case, imagine that I-thou-we did it by depicting within these two formed pentagons an imaginative symbol of X, using as a pattern the symbol 8 DIA horizontal eight (eternity DIA infinity), depending on whether you see this figure as a vertical or horizontal image, and then this dialectical content was squeezed into two triangles again: A pair of dialects of the dialectical understanding of the eternity DIA infinity.

The Two Beings fallen in Love within Time DIA Space

The Two Beings fallen in Love within the Time DIA Space

In other words, the dialectical eternity DIA infinity is a rectilinear DIA triangular representation of the eternity DIA infinity, created as a result of the compressing of dia harnessing through the dialectical sieves set in progress the accumulated dialectical quality of the time DIA space. The result of these initiated creative actions is a new higher quality in time DIA space, caught within it! Bingo! And now, let’s close I-thou-we immediately these two triangles by depicting within them a new imaginative figure 8 DIA horizontal eight (∞), in order to be prevented this quality of the time DIA space to flow out. Bingo! What did I-thou-we express DIA impressions of time / in time DIA space by this creative “cut”, which was symbolically presented by the narrow crosswise (diagonal cross)? In short, expressed by the everyday language, I-thou-we have depicted and conjured up, how two beings (fallen) in love are sharing their and only their time DIA space, and the related atmosphere within it. No one and nothing exists for them in the whole world (universe) at that moment DIA place. Only two of them!

The Two Beings within the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

The Two Beings within the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Let’s now connect the remaining lines (with)in the pentagons in order to form in that way two new five-pointed stars. Bingo! Yes, within each angle of the pentagon as well as between and among these imaginative angles, there is a dialectical tension, which would lead to the bursting of this construction in (of) time DIA space, that is, to the explosion of this over-strained dialectical creatively interactive content, if that was not strengthened and connected by these imaginative lines. Bingo! Whether thou already forgot that I-thou-we earlier squeezed the imaginative symbol “8 DIA ∞” into two imaginative triangles DIA dialectical recti-linearisation of the eternity DIA infinity, and then closed again with it. If you forgot that, refresh and recall your memory. Bingo! Note that two new pentagons have been already depicted within each of this five-pointed star. Bingo! After the all aforementioned, this creator of knowledge hopes that everyone can grasp the full meaning of this simple lesson in Euclid’s geometry, that is, where a pentagon is, there a smaller five-pointed star is too, respectively it can be depicted and vice versa! Do you agree? Bingo! Put in other words, this initiated dialectical process continues into the past (DIA future), understood in terms of eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces. Bingo! By the way, this feature of the stars was used in the developed dialectical interactive approach for the graphical illustration of complex dialectical interactively creative contents under creative consideration.

What did I-thou-we present by this imaginative depicting in time / of time DIA space? First of all, an amazing fact was revealed: these two lovely beings are not alone in their and only their imaginative world, as they believed it. Wow, so many silent and patient witnesses of / within their sweet little secret. Yes, think next time on these lovely beings and their relatives, that is, be aware of the fact that the all thy past, understood in terms of dialectical way of comprehension of the time DIA space, is watching carefully all what you are doing. And think about their great desire to get perhaps into your small world. But this part of the story belongs to the sphere of the quality flowing in time DIA space, understood in terms of the three basic dialectic principles, aspects and manifestations in action within this eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces. In other words, this interactively creative content was dialectically synthesised in terms of the ("quartet") three (3) DIA one (1) dialectics of dialectics DIA multiple negations of negations, because in any higher world of dialectics, seen from the dialectically long run perspective, there is only place for the quality, that is, the highest one at that concrete (particular) span of time DIA space.

The Symbol of the Human(e) Genus

The Symbol of the Human(e) Genus

A malicious person might argue that the five-pointed stars represent also apeman-like species, monkeys, geese and the like. Ok, this creator of knowledge will not deny anyone, the own right to express, how (s)he emotes DIA feels this graphical illustration within her, his own kingdom of ???, that is, the own past. In other words, this methodological approach is opposite compared to their efforts of compelling others, who do not share their opinion, to utter this dialectical content in their recognisable way of retelling it. By the way said, this creator of knowledge did not spend creative power denying Darwin's "Theory of Natural Evolution DIA Natural Selection" but rather using it as basis, the existence of two distinctly different kinds (genus) can be easier observed, as a final result of the understanding of time "DIA versus AND" space. But once again, that is a so PERSONAL story deeply imprinted in the (own) time DIA space, which was in detail described in the hinduistic doctrine of the transmigration of souls. In short, the developed dialectical interactive approach also in this scenario in time DIA appropriate situation in space, allows everyone a free choice of her, his ancestors, that is, the freedom to recognise the imprints of that within their inner DIA inmost beings: The kingdom of ????.

As a summary, within this figure I-thou-we now can see and recognise, understood in terms of the retrospective recollection in time (of time) DIA space (the concept of recollection), a small piece of the past of these two living beings, presented as a gallery of the procession of their past images, which continues endlessly into the past (DIA future). By the way said, the concept of retrospective recollection in time DIA space was also tackled by Plato, when he tries to conjure up how knowledge, as a kind of the previously experienced, inherited, impressed, and imprinted knowledge in the memory of time DIA space of a pupil (brain as a kind of the universe in small) comes into being, that is, this knowledge can be (easier) learned in this way [recollected: inborn human process of learning] that is by the way a recognisable feature of the human beings. But these remarks of Plato were also mocked by the modern scientists. Regardless of this, pay thy attention how small children

the power of pictures: searching for the true origin of the hidden knowledge continues

Plato - Timaeus' - 1

Symbols of God's Confessions Contained within the Symbol of the Human(e) Genus

In either case, here is important to emphasize that all pre-ancient symbols, which are still used in religious rituals of the God's confessions [six-pointed star (of David), cross (the three crosses DIA one cross), crescent and star(s), transmigration and reincarnation of souls, the yin-yang principle ...], can be recognized in this version of the symbol of the human(e) genus. Apart from that, this creator of knowledge also hopes that a pictorial image of the Dialectical Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time DIA Space was recognised within it, and which is presented in even more details in this illustration. Keep in mind, that the Plato was born 427 year B.C., that means, these symbols existed before some of the God's religions (Christianity and Islam) were established, accordingly before all of them, as in this creative article is argued by me. In other words, because Plato (427 – 347) was not an emissary of God, he only noted down remnants of this hidden (lost) knowledge in his dialectos Timaeus, and which was kept by various ancient secret orders from the immemorial times, of which the Egyptian "Brethren of Temples" was only one of them. Where then does the higher knowledge DIA this primordial Plan of God come from? A distinct hint, related to the existence of THIS PLAN, can be found in the Holy Books and Scriptures as well as in the following words of Plato:

In short, recall of the story, noted down by 1.Moses-6:1-8, that narrates how sons of God after intermarrying with the beautiful daughters of earth (free-willingly) sacrificed the longevity of their lives for the beauty and longevity of the life of daughters of the earth. As a result of this love adventure, the (descendants of) sons of God lost their wings, whereas the daughters of the earth lost their tail. Pay also your attention to the gradual transition of the quality DIA quantity in time DIA space into a new "quality" (dis-quality). In the Holy Bible was also recorded that in the time of Noah the average length of life of the (remained dia transformed) human seed was significantly shortened (Adam-930, Seth-912, Enosh-905, Kenan-910, Mahalel-895, Jared-962, Enoch-taken by God, Methuselah–969, Lamech-777) while His son Shem lived “only” 600 years, Arphaxad - 438, Shelah-433, Eber-464, Peleg-239, Reu-239, Serug-230, Nahor-148, Terah-206.... Abraham – 175, Sarah – 127, Ishmael – 137, Isaac – 180, Jacob -147, Joseph – 110.... Moses (120). As then Lord said after the afore described love adventure: “My Spirit will not contend with (will remain in) (wo)man forever [within her / his ('stinky') evil kingdom of ?], for (s)he is corrupt, and from this reason mortal; her / his days will be 120” (1.Moses-6:3).

Dialectic Interactive Approach

Guardian Angel of the Human(e) Genus, Family, Knowledge and Creativity

Pay thy attention that the longevity of the remained human seed was still longer than the average longevity of life today as well as to a sudden shortening of the length of life “after the flood”. Try to link and synthesize this dialectical interactive content with the age they started to breed family compared to their forefathers of this remote past as well as the modern examples of fathering children by the (under) ten years old fathers and mothers, understood in terms of the initiation of related dialectical multiple-interactive processes, but this is a theme for an another story. The point of this is that the dialectically long-run consequences of the “scientific” GENETIC (ad)ventures into unknown is not possible to predict. The most obvious consequence of these initiated multiple dialectical interactive processes is the fact that today, on basis of the external appearance between a human(e) being, (wo)man, "ape-like" people and their rich common offspring, the genetic difference is not possible to make. In other words, her / his inner being should be individually examined by the “lamp”, that is, searched in her/his inner being DIA color of the inmost light.

Dialectics of Dialectics DIA Negations of Negations

The Four Primary DIA Proto Paradigmatic Methodological Presumptions of the Dialectic Interactive Approach


The Concept of the Living God


Potentially REGENERATION Prolific Star DIA ("Self"-)Transfering of the LIFE, by words of Plato

The lesson learned on this pre-ancient experience is that if a “scientist” or group of them would mix, for example, the (wo)man's / human genetic code with the genetic code of a mouse, as a consequence of it, the longevity of life of these (wo)man-mouse-like creatures would have been continually descended in a dialectically long run, approaching an imaginable point(-puncture: pora dia spora) on this new dialectically made span of the time DIA space. In other words, the speed of this “approaching dia discending” depends on the outcome DIA multi-directions of the unity and struggle of contradictions (tensions) [mouse DIA (wo)man] in time DIA space ... accordingly of the (final) creative outcome of the three basic dialectic principles in time DIA space. Perhaps, the mouse would gain something from this love affair, respectively whether would it gain anything, knowing “them” DIA them. For example, in a scenario in time DIA the appropriate situation in space, what would happen to these poor (wo)man-mouse-like creatures, if “they” suddenly came on idea to enslave these new-made creatures, for doing the boring physical work, or acquiring more easily richness for them, and the like, driven by their insatiable greed and avid-grasping. For your orientation in time DIA space, keep always in mind that the slavery was one of many reasons for the fall of ancient and antique “civilizations” (societies) as well as each manifestation of the concept of slavery, including the modern ones too (indebting, for example), leads in a (dialectically) long run to fall of such a society.

But this is not by any means the end of this “thrilling” dialectically long-run "scientific story". In short, the mouse-like (wo)men, accordingly the fallen (wo)man enslaved or not, will in dialectically long run, thanks to the continual multiplication (reproduction) in time DIA space, manage to intermarry their "creators", killing the rest of them, for sure, what had been already recorded in the recollection of human(e) beings. After accomplishment of this easier part of the “natural evolution” DIA devolution, caused by the dialectical multifaceted-interplay DIA interaction of their mixed "burdens", sooner or later, some of its enlightened dia illuminated members of this new created genus (bearing the SPIRITUAL seed of their ancestors), by a little help of the emissaries of God, as a proof of mercy and love of His, will start with cleansing (purifying) the inherited burden, respectively they will try to re-ascend the fallen (wo)men (dia mousses) on the earlier achieved level of development, and so on in time DIA space until they again reach the level of intelligence of these today's modern “scientists”.

By the way, as a pattern for thinking, pay the attention to this potential way of implementation of the earthly act of creation of living beings, which for sure is not an exact copy of the heavenly version of the creation, but based on the eternal model because each copy of the eternal model is more or less imperfect. In other words, here the word goes about an example of not perfect "copying" (earthly emulation) of a small piece of the heavenly act of the creation (eternal model). Although this is still a hot-topic, and particularly, this will be in the coming Age of BIOINFORMATICS, the point of this retrospective recollection was searching for the true origin of this hidden (lost) knowledge. In short, this higher knowledge was usurped from the sons of God, and then kept in the pagan secret orders from generation to generation until was entirely lost! Didactic message: Everything that was given to dia inherited by the (modern) pagans (including their heathenish offspring) also will be lost in their (recti)linear way of comprehension of future, as a counterpart to the dialectical understanding of the future.

The whole text of the third part of unraveling Plato's dialectos Timaeus can be read in the creative article: Hidden Knowledge: Continuation of Plato's Dialectos Timaeus - Part Three.

Source: "Traces of Dialectics in Time DIA Space – Methodology for Creating Knowledge, Jovanović, 2001"

a summary of the dialectic interactive approach

Introduction into Dialectic Interactive Approach

Couple Dialect: Thesis DIA Antithesis

Dialectical Comprehending the Time DIA Space: The Concept of the Dialectical Universe

Synthese DIA "G" → The Renewed Thesis in the Time DIA Space

ETC. in the Time DIA Space UNTIL has been reached

Dialectical Comprehending the Time DIA Space: The Concept of the Dialectical Universe

"G" → The Temporal Conclusion of / in the Time DIA Space

Dialectical interactive approach considers each dialectical content in terms of the multitude of thesis DIA antithesis (the couple dialects), permitting thereby participation DIA FACTUAL CREATIVE PRESENCE, not only of the existing (still alive) actors (physical presence) but also of the actors DIA THEIR GREAT (SPIRITUAL) IDEAS AND THOUGHTS of the gone past (emotively emotional presence), as well as of actors, who will one day cross the threshold of this magnificent creative stage (desired emotively emotional presence). A great stage, intended and created in purpose of creating (pre)conditions for a FAR MORE HUMAN(E) clash of ideas, thoughts ... within this reintroduced spatial time MEDIUM - mind DIA presence, using available linguistic dialects of this revived methodological approach. To remind me, thee, us, each creative achievement and result, in compliance with the main postulate of the introduced dialectic interactive approach is considered only as A TEMPORARY CONCLUSION of time (in time) DIA space. In other words, it is valid only so long, until a RENEWED ANTITHESIS, or a multitude of them, was appeared on the horizon of these GREAT creative expanses. Or put it in another way, by this creator of knowledge was discovered again, that is, reopened the doorway of these hidden, enormous INNER (creative) expanses and vastness (spaces DIA times), as a substitute, and on the first place, a creative stage for the PREVENTIVE ACTING against the EXTERNAL physical (matter-like) fight of people, founded on the (evil-spiritually DIA mindually) implanted, embodied, and then further cultivated beastly piece of them. Such a wide, deep and all-comprehensive creative framework doesn't offer either of the existing methodological approaches.

These very complex dia-processes were graphically illustrated in a picturesque manner by using various forms of stars, understood in the sense of appliance of their methodological essence and appropriate qualitative properties, that was also a part of the hidden (lost) pre-ancient knowledge. In other words, for this graphical presentation was used the PRIMORDIAL perceiving and awareness that within each hexagon can be drawn a six-pointed star and vice-versa. This essential feature (of dialectics) is valid and applicable FOR EACH KIND OF STAR, allowing within these star-like creatively interactive frameworks to be presented and taken place dialectical processes of different levels of complexity. It also enables that this methodological awareness and understanding of the full meaning of these star's frameworks to be utilized in an artistically pictorial way for a creative combination of these dialectical, interactively creative contents, by understanding it in terms of dialectical synthesising of these creative frameworks with each other. Apart from that, in this way, the feasibility of a qualitatively mathematical presentation of other two dialectical principles, aspects, properties and manifestations of time (in the time) DIA space was also opened, as well as showed, how they proceed from each other, and continue at each higher level (with)in eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of the worlds of dialectics. These unutterable complex dialectical contents and the related aspects, properties and manifestations of the worlds of dialectics were graphically presented DIA symbolised by FOUR - TRIANGULAR STAR(S). In short, if there is a way and method, by using the previously mentioned (linguistic) dialects, to be in the best mode approached the (absolute) truth IN EARTHLY TERMS, over the passage of this dialectical way of the interactively creative conceiving and understanding of time DIA space, then, it is the dialectical interactive methodological approach, which offers the utilization of this possibility.

In short, the dialectical interactive approach due to its "Background Simulative Methodological Assumptions" requires that each dialectical content under creative consideration is (again and again) reconsidered from (tri)angles of the great pyramid of culture, philosophy, art and science, understood in terms of the application of appropriate "Ultimate DIA Probable Methodological Presumptions of the Dialectical Interactive Approach". Perceive that the dialectical interplay of these four SYMBOLICAL pre-ancient dialects (fire, earth, air, water) takes place within a PICTURESQUE geometrical rectangle (square), whose image was also impressed in the ground plan of Cheops' (Khufu’s) pyramid. From this follows that the dialectically redefined time DIA space is an appropriate creative framework for orientation and acting of humans, captured within the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces [various possible scenarios in time DIA appropriate situations in space] of the worlds of dialectics. In other words, the set free dialect - spirit is an essential and key-dialect and feature of each human being, and of any truly humane being with (deep) human root, that is also a (pre)requisite for a proper dialectical synthesising (of various scenarios DIA situations) in time DIA space, understood in terms of distinguishing Good from evil (choices and ways). Concluding this dialectical content, by development of the dialectical interactive approach was opened the feasibility for initiation and existence of a THIRD WAY, as well as later of a fourth, fifth .... way too.

time and space versus time dia space

Dialectic Interactive Approach

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces


Static Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF "US"

Dialectical way of understanding the time DIA space is in full agreement with this methodological approach (dialectic interactive approach), as well as with the comprehending of these complex dialectical contents by the common sense (of human beings), because the focus of this dialectical methodological approach is put on the individual, human way of thinking. Here it is very important to emphasize that this dialectical understanding of time DIA space (spirit, mind dia reason, matter), does not negate the validity of existing static and dynamic conceptions of time and space, which are based on the (recti)linear way of understanding the space and time, under condition that they are properly reconsidered and reinterpreted in this broad methodological context of the dialectical interactive approach. In short, this dialectical conception of time dia space neither replaces nor completely negates them in the sense of the bipolar (OR - OR) DIA binary (OR) way of thinking. Rather, it might be argued that this dialectical understanding of time dia space, in fact, complements and supplements the Newton's and Einstein's understanding of space and time. For additional information, read: Dialectical Conception of Time DIA Space. In the dialectical creative framework for orientation in the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces ("Netmode – the Strategy for 21st Century – Dialectic Interactive Approach, Jovanović, 1999") already in the redefinition of TIME

  • future,
  • emotively emotional (spiritual) presence dia physical (body's) presence,
  • past


  • spirit,
  • mind dia reason,
  • matter

was embedded the notion "PRESENCE" as a couple dialect. In other words, in the mega-dialect time, the so called PRESENT (TIME) was replaced, not in a simplified (black-white, 0-1) form by the dialect "physical presence", OR by the dialect "emotively emotional presence", that is, the presence of someone (something) in the emotively emotional sense, but rather it was presented as a PAIR OF DIALECTS (thesis - antithesis), uttered as the physical presence DIA (someone's) emotively emotional presence (in thy mind DIA reason). Here the first dialect speaks of someone's active (physical) DIA creative presence, understood in terms of SPACE IN TIME (matter embedded within past), whereas the second dialect speaks of emotive DIA emotional presence of some dialectical content in thy mind DIA the reason, understood in terms of the TIME IN SPACE (future within spirit). Seen from this methodological perspective, the main dilemma in this case is: Where in this constellation of time is the DIALECT - FUTURE? In short, these inner [time - in - space(like)] aspects of the dialect - future (WITHIN THEE) will be considered in more details in the creative article: Dialectic Interactive Approach: The Concept of the Dialectical Time DIA Space versus The Concept of (Recti)linear Space and Time, as well as in a chapter of the creative article: Dialectical Comprehension of Future. In the dialectical interactive approach, the mega-dialect space (spirit, mind DIA reason, matter) was also completely redefined, that is, space CEASED TO BE (in)seen only as a (external) physical (material) expanse, and as a converged mindual room [Simple(st) mind], understood in the sense of some kind of converging, coalescing and fusing mind AND spirit [Simpler Mind: "Mind Simply for the Conveying and Distributing (of the created) Knowledge]". In this dialectical comprehension of space, to the "physical" space (the dialect - matter) was added the set free ("released") dialect - spirit in order to be recreated a spatial medium (the dialect - mind dia reason) as well. This spatial MEDIUM - MIND was also presented as a couple dialect of "thesis - antithesis", externally uttered as the mind dia reason.

Concluding this dialectical content under consideration, the remaining two components of this dialectical creative framework for orientation in time DIA space were also presented as the COUPLE DIALECT. In short, the dialect - SPACE IN TIME (matter embedded in past) actually presents the dialectical worlds around me - thee - us, which I - thou - we are able to perceive by the five basic human senses: Nose (the sense of smell), eyes (the sense of sight), mouth (the sense of taste), ears (the sense of hearing) and skin (the sense of touch). In other words, these dialectical worlds are physical (material) nature, and they surround my - thy - our physical presence, as well as influence and inspire my - thy - our emotively emotional presence, in order to be undertaken appropriate (creative) traveling, as well as other forms of human(e) acting. In symbolic dialectical terms, within the "Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces", the dialect - SPACE IN TIME was presented in form of the already implanted and embedded dialect - matter into the dialect - past. On the other hand, the dialect - TIME IN SPACE (future in spirit) actually presents the inner (hidden) dialectical worlds within me - thee - us, which I - thou - we are able to sense by two typical human senses: The sixth sense (the sense of presentiment: intuition) and the seventh sense [emotively emotional sense DIA the feeling of her- / himself].

Debtor's DIA Debt Economics: Part - 6

DEATH dia AFTERLIFE, seen from a Perspective of the Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Keep in mind, only those who possess these two human senses (human beings), accordingly those who managed to preserve them during the fiery struggle with forces of objectification (reducing people to objects) from generation to generation, are (cap)able to recollect and potentially to revive these left over deeply imprinted traces of (someone's) emotively emotional presence, preserved within memorance (memory) of time DIA space. In other words, here it is about the transferring, revival, and embodiment of this preserved dialectical content [dialect - future in spirit: time in space] in the mega-dialect space (dia time), understood in terms of dialect - matter, which existed upon a time DIA it will be embedded (again) in the dialect - past [space in time, which is perceivable by five basic senses]. To cut this long story short, this dialectical content of the time DIA space can be recollected in the sense of RETROSPECTIVE RECOLLECTION of it DIA be revived by means of thy emotively emotional DIA (creative) physical presence. Recall, within the worlds of dialectics, nothing disappears in absolute terms, but rather it transits, transforms and metamorphoses from a state of dialect - space in time into its another state DIA dialect - time in space, understood in terms of the Three Basic Dialectical Principles, Aspects, Properties and Manifestations of the Time DIA Space in action. For this reason, there is possibility in time DIA space to be returned, again DIA dialect - time in space, in one of its previous states, understood in terms of this way of understanding the dialect - space in time.

Actually, it is just this dialect of human senses, which gives me - thee - us the sense and feeling of emotively emotional (spiritual) presence within these enormous inner dialectical worlds [sense and feeling of (presence of) herself / himself]. Simulataneously, this human ability of being SPIRITUALY PRESENT within these enormous inner dialectical worlds, for example, in order to be devised (thought out) something within this medium of time DIA space by undertaking a suitable CREATIVE TRAVELING, and which will be materialized as the next (concrete) step in some form of CREATIVE ACTING, understood in terms of the dialect - space in time [externalisation of it in form of the dialect - matter in past], is a recognizable feature of the dialectical interactive approach. In other words, only this kind of the dialectical SPIRITUAL (creative: EMOTIVELY EMOTIONAL) presence is able to peer into the INVISIBLE INNER EXPANSES of this way of dialectical conceiving and understanding of the (dialect -) FUTURE, respectively, an entering into the immense vastness of dialectical worlds of the TIME IN SPACE: future IN SPIRIT. After this dialectical statement emerged on the light of day, all (methodological) shortcomings and (creative) disadvantages of scientific exclusion of the dialect - spirit from the 'modern' scientific thought, generally speaking, only because it is objectively (and mathematically completely) immeasurable, and for this reason physically meaningless.

Dialectic Interactive Approach

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces


The Concept of the (Recti)linear Universe: Happenings in the (Recti)linear Space and Time

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space

As a result of that, this dialectical approach is able to follow more authentically the dialectical processes of transition, transformation and metamorphoses .... negation, annihilation, annulment DIA renewal and regeneration of various states of the dialectical reality, which are omnipresent all around DIA within of each of us. In other words, anywhere you see a couple dialect of statics DIA dynamics, there has been already present dialectics, regardless which way of thinking prevails. In short, the major drawback of the existing (recti)linear conceiving and comprehending TIME [past ⇢ PRESENT TIME ⇢ future] AND SPACE [the fused mind, matter], is the mathematically verified fact, that as it was farther traveled out of the dialect - PRESENT (TIME) in direction of this (recti) linear conceiving and comprehending of the dialect - future, either in terms of the largest conceivable (for example, universe), or in terms of the smallest conceivable (world of quants), as this kind of comprehension of the time and space is less and less appropriate, unreliable, imprecise, .... ILLUSIONARY one. In fact, seen from the perspective of the developed dialectical interactive approach, all these kinds of "optical" illusions and phenomena (paradoxes) of the remote time and space, or the compressed one, are result of the ABSENCE of physical presence (dialect - matter) on the place in time DIA space, where it is wanted (EMOTIVE - EMOTIONALLY) to be present (dialect - spirit) by somebody in that very moment DIA place. For this reason, as you already had probably perceived, in order to be clearly distinguished these two different concepts of conceiving, and understanding time "AND versus DIA" space from each other, it was introduced a new preposition - conjunction "DIA".

  ending thoughts:

Plato - Timaeus' - 1


I hope, these creative articles are going to shed more light on this puzzling and still beyond understanding dialectical content of process of creating of knowledge, because it was re - applied a much broader framework for the creative orientation in the eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of worlds of dialectics, including also the potentially very useful ROLE of art, philosophy and culture, understood in terms of the implementation of them in creative purposes, instead of the solo-implementation of the existing scientific findings and (encyclopaedic) knowledge. This method is very useful, particularly when it deals with such strange, mysterious and unknowable dialectical contents, because the (well-known) cultural treasure of humanity provides the needed (too neglected) wisdom of gone times (dialect - past), as well as the afore mentioned abilities of HUMANS (of this already remote past) to retrospectively recollect the impressed and imprinted traces and patterns of thoughts in the memory of time DIA space. On the other hand, linguistic dialects of the art and philosophy provide the necessary ELASTICITY, understood in terms of creating space for creative maneuvering and suitable artistic finesse, during the creative process of creating (new) knowledge, compared to the rigidity of scientific (methodological) approach, which is also unavoidable in the course of creative pursuing such imaginative, vague and ghostly goals. Keep in mind, within these vast creative expanses, there are no SCIENTIFICALLY established points (written sources, archaeological findings and the like) for an easier orientation in this (inner) eternity of times DIA infinity of spaces of the worlds of dialectics.