Impact of these two different Creative Frameworks for Orientation in Time 'and VERSUS dia' Space on Happenings in the Dialectical Societal Universe

Impact of these two different Creative Frameworks for Orientation in Time 'and VERSUS dia' Space on Happenings in the Dialectical Societal Universe

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF 'US'

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space


Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

As a consequence of this (defect), which was thoroughly elaborated in the previous part of this creative article, it also might be argued that these opposite (antagonistic) views on world, towards creating knowledge .... are actually a consequence of MISUNDERSTANDINGS (in communications) between these two spiritually and mindually different arts of beings, that had left deep traces during the all written history of mankind. It is very strange that Darwin omitted to perceive and register these omnipresent findings, respectively, what would he say now regarding this process of SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT ("EVOLUTION"),

correspondingly of its underdevelopment (degeneration)? From this follows that the spiritual (and for this reason also mindual) aspects and properties of the re-enlightment DIA illumination of the inner DIA inmost being, play a much more important role in the process of "evolution of new species" than the accidental mutations of their genetic code (dialect - matter). As a result of all this aforementioned, seen from the OWN (I⇢Thou⇢We) point of view of these two different frameworks for orientation in time "DIA versus AND" space, it seems both sides are in fact in right, understood in terms of spiritual (God's) path for each human(e) being (by emphasising the SPIRITUAL origin: as an example, read 1.Moses-1 & 2:1-3), and naturally-evolutionar pathway for them (by exertion and the exclusive endeavoring on the GENETIC origin)

But due to the rule of crowd's "WE" way of thinking, that is, because of the typical natiocratic usurpation of the right of speaking in the name of ALL people and human beings as well, the voice of humans was not well heard, or it was not enough distinctly pronounced, and for this reason, it was not properly understood in the living (creative) reality. Here, it is very important to be emphasised that these different ways of orientation and abilities of dialectical synthesising in time "AND versus DIA" space are not genetically (matter-like) determined, but rather it is individually determined (and inherited), that is, these aspects of the considered dialectical content are spiritual nature (inner DIA inmost being).

As a final result DIA consequence of this ("WE") way of thinking, it was generated within the living reality a completely rationally organised medium ("a rational societal universe") DIA the predictable behaviour of its inhabitants within it, understood in terms of controllable overseeing of these artificially created DIA organised rational actors: objects referred to (Arbnor & Bjerke, 1997). In methodological terms, all this generalisation was achieved by using an incredible degree of the crowding DIA grouping of all and everything, understood in terms of uniformity (uniformisation) of this dialectical content within this ideological DIA developed ‘theological’ framework of the created rational ('physical') universe. For example, by (mis)using as a creative framework (the postulates of) "The General Theory of Relativity" introduced by Albert Einstein, the various 'scientists', who acted within the SOCIETAL sphere of science, tried to apply this idea within the natiocratic form of the rational (societal) universe, where the distances between and among the created objects inside of the (public) SPACE AND TIME tend to be the same (zero in terms of this kind of space) and always (zero in terms of this kind of time) for everyone and everything [traditional (already vanished) communism].

Moreover, because of the exclusion of dialect spirit (and mind too) within any kind of the natiocratically organised societal universe, as a CONSEQUENCE OF MANIFESTING THIS UNIFORMITY within the formed class, classes and castes, in spite of the well-known fact that the (materialistic) gap between formed natiocratic castes [(very) poor and (very) rich] has been increasing over time and space (the dialect matter), the corresponding spiritual and mindual gap among the people (their views on the world, attitude to the meaning of life ...) is continually reducing. In other words, people are made incapable even to try to change this created (inhuman) environment for the living, working and doing business, because of being spiritually suffocated and mindually uniformed (that is, both 'theologically' and ideologically), they are not able to hear ... sense ... comprehend and understand ANYTHING DIFFERENT that deviates from the existing strong gravitational force of 'zero' (dark hole). This is valid too for the exposed ideas in the creative works and articles as well, noted down by this creator of knowledge, which remained isolated, not heard and not comprehended and understood by those, whom they were intended for (written).

Static Math reflected through Prism of the Dialectic Interactive Approach

Methodological Reasoning DIA Comprehending of the (Recti)linear Space and Time, understood AS SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF "US"


Dialectic Interactive Approach

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces

In short, these recorded words, based on the postulates of the introduced dialectic interactive approach, developed within a dialectically redefined time [future, emotively emotional dia physical presence, past] DIA space [spirit, mind dia reason, matter], it seems, cannot be heard and passed through the invisible wall (of darkness) of the (recti)linear time (past ⇢ PRESENT TIME ⇢ future) and space [merged and FUSED MIND - spirit, ABANDONED HOLLOW, matter], understood AS SOMETHING OUT OF US. In other words, the (physical presences of) people captured within the created framework of dialect - PRESENT TIME ("barell" for shackling and prisoning) with their merged and FUSED MINDS - spirits are not able to hear ... sense ... comprehend and understand ANYTHING DIFFERENT that deviates from the firmly established patterns of thoughts of the (recti)linear time and space, and the suitable dual (bipolar dia binary: OR-OR) way of thinking as well, interpreted and presented in the everyday language, as the soul - body, yes - no, true - false, 0 - 1, black - white and the like. It seems, this abandoned hollow (of darkness in "head": in inner being) serves as a kind of the well isolated buffer between these two (spiritually, and thus mindually also) separated worlds, based on different (building blocks of) understanding of meaning time "AND versus DIA" space. Perhaps, some of you also experienced scenario in time DIA situation in space, while you were speaking a dialectical content to someone, thereby thinking that that person, patiently listening it, understands your exposed ideas and thoughts, and then later to be faced with some silly question, allowing you finally to grasp that (s)he could not comprehend anything of the said. Or even worse, it was personally experienced by you, or thou were witness of a scenario in time DIA appropriate situation in space, within which a simple-minded person (with half closed eyes) SIMPLY meditates during the speech, where you have feeling that (s)he SIMPLY fills up with the uttered words the opened abyss of the insatiable hollow in her / his "head", that is, (s)he uses this opportunity to get gratis pleasure by spending it in purpose of barren attempts to choke the hole up.

In either case, as a result of this inner defect DIA continual conflict between the dialect spirit and mind dia reason [within the merged and fused mind - spirit], although we share the room of a same (created) societal universe, seen from perspective of the dialect - spirit (and the mind too in a less extent), "we" live in parallel universes, spiritually passing as "aliens" alongside (and through) each other. A (very strange) scenario in time DIA situation in space, where the "spiritually ones (ghostly part of me, thee, us)" tries to avoid the physical (matter-like) contact (confrontation) with them, as much as possible. Recall, by watching the graphical illustrations on thy left side, the dialect - matter is ONLY OUR TRULY COMMON feature (dialect), and due to the genetically (matter-like) mixing over time and space (1.Moses, 6:1-4), it is not possible anymore clearly to be distinguished these dialectically DIA (recti)linearly created beings and species, seen from the viewpoint of the EXTERNAL (matter-like) appearances. In other words, "we" are able to make a physical contact with each other (even in positive terms of this notion of distinguishing good from evil) but in much less extent a human-like MINDUAL clash of ideas, thoughts, communicating, .... because of the different nature of our minds dia reason. Although it might be argued, "we" are also able making some kind of the spiritual touch (meeting), it is still not feasible to be experienced a full (human) joy of the ENTIRITY OF THE DIALECTICAL TIME DIA SPACE within the limited framework of the (recti)linear conceiving, comprehending and understanding of TIME AND SPACE. The previously uttered dialectical content was experienced too by the all sent emissaries and prophets of God, in a less or greater extent. It was also a part of the life-story of Christ, confirmed and noted down by the Apostle John (1:10-14).

READ Next Part: Earthly Thorny DIA Heavenly Illuminated Pathway of the Human Genus