Barriers to Development of the Spiritually - Mindual Intellect
After the all mentioned in the previous parts of this creative article, dedicated to the Dialectical Understanding of the Spiritual DIA Mindual Intelligence, it is not a bad idea to elaborate, why this creator of knowledge does not use the notion "Spiritually - Mindual Intellect", because the Greatest Creator of all cannot be "greeted" without the possessing some kind of these abilities? In short, although he personally experienced the grip and power of the higher spirits and the Highest (Holy) Spirit as well, all this was a relatively short state of the inner DIA innermost being. In other words, to be feasible the living and creatively acting in this way, there is a need for an appropriate human body, including the adequate spiritual dia mindual framework for the realizing (and coming into being of) such an inner DIA the innermost being as well, to be born within it such a great (spiritual DIA mindual) person.
Or more simply said, there is a need for a much higher level of developed (sub)consciousness, which can be only achieved by a continual breeding and cultivation of these abilities and capabilities from generation to generation, which is not the case in this earthly life-reality for well-known reasons. This topic has already been expounded in other creative articles. For thy orientation in time DIA space, just pay attention that in the last a few centuries, here on the earth, there were not born a lot of (great) spiritual individuals, that is, cultivated a FRUITFUL "SOIL" (inner DIA innermost being) for sowing seeds for the emergence of these great spiritual individuals, who could be compared to (Great) prophets of the past, and who had enough the courage to be voices of the Heavenly forces. Just thoughtfully read the Holy Books and Scriptures, including the Holy Bible too, from the Age of prophets and seers. Is it a coincidence? Not at all, because the (inter)national dark (obscured) network has been managed by holding firmly all threads in their hands, covered by the "gloves of darkness", to perfidiously destroy and to set aside the "fruitful soil" as well as the seed of humanity.

Dialectical Creative Framework for Orientation in the Eternity of Times DIA Infinity of Spaces
- ".... The crucial question (synthesis DIA the renewed thesis) related to the interpreted and presented dialectical content
is: Where has “vanished” the seed of these Great Beings of the past? Has it (they) been killed, destroyed, imprisoned, detained,
captured, seduced, and marginalised by these strange species or what? At the same time DIA suitable space, there is a clear
(visible) tendency, where these 'species' are reproducing (multiplying), propagating and distributing a multitude of 'their own
(spiritual dia mindual) images (copies)' (with)in the working, educational, scientific, artistic, etc., sphere of human acting, that means, within the living
reality. Without mentioning by-product and effects (crimes and the like), as a result of the neglecting as well as deficiency
(defect) of the emotively emotional dialect (the simplest and vulgar mind), the stench of these criminal activities, directed against
humanity [(wo)mankind] is already immoral, intolerable, unendurable, as well as unbearable and inexcusable.
A creator of knowledge must warn (the renewed antithesis), if (s)he senses and observes any negative tendency in the world, in the universe or in the world of dialectics, if you so will, what ever the prise has to be paid for it. I’m doing it by paraphrasing Christ: " …. You are like hidden graves which (wo)men walk over without realizing what they are walking on" (Luke, 11.44). Or more exactly said, only their "obscured (dark) prophets (initiates)” (elitary hierarchen) are knowledgeable of the obscured ('dark') secret. Regardless of this, they are much less powerful DIA knowledgeable than spiritualists (ancient 'brethren of temples') were in their time and space, that means, they at least possessed a higher knowledge."
Source: "Traces of Dialectics in Time DIA Space – Methodology for Creating Knowledge, Jovanović, 2001"
Searching for the Left Traces DIA Imprints of Dialectics in Time DIA Space

Arising DIA Enlightenment of a Simplest One in Time DIA Space

(Recti)linear Creative Framework for the Orientation in Time AND Space, as a Fused-Minded Fundament for Coming into Being a Simple-Minded Person
Either way, seen from the perspective of the already corrupted "fruitful soil" and the degenerated human seed, understood in terms of the quality of its dialects - SPIRIT, Mind dia Reason, Matter (space) DIA the suitable time, capabilities of the spiritually - mindual intelligence belong to the very distant future, if it ever manage to start with the germinating here on the Earth, because by them was chosen the natiocratically adapted way of the so-called naturally-evolutionar selection within (wo)mankind: The well-known culture of cronyism, nepotism and various manifestations of sycophancy. Regardless of it, the focus of this creator of knowledge was put on the worlds of dialectics of God, within which everything is feasible by means of the (high enough) developed spirit(ual) capabilities DIA the appropriate speed of spirit. READ, "The Concept of the Living God". Regarding the importance of nurturing the GOOD, that is, creatively fertile soil, the following words of Christ are also instructive:
- .... The good (wo)man brings good things out of the good stored up in her, his heart, and the evil (wo)man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in her, his heart. For out of the overflow of her, his heart, her, his mouth speaks (Luke-6:43-45). Read also The Revelation to John-22:11 and Jeremiah-17:5-15.
How far is the age of the spiritually - mindual intellect just compare it with the existing, generally accepted, scientifical arguing that all processes, including the emotively emotional ones too, take place inside the head (brain). Although, it could be argued that this attitude to the dialectical content under creative consideration is trully valid for these followers of the natural - evolutionary pathway (up ⇅ down),
- [there is no (positive: emotively) emotional feeling in the area of the chest, stomach, ... foot, if you so will, but only pain, hunger, thirst, ... greed, envy, hate, ... (the negative emotions as a cause of transition into a psychic state of the so-called emotional insanity)],
the launched dia-processes of the degeneration mustn’t be neglected, understood in terms of the continual concentration of these kinds of the evil-spiritually mindual processes (the converged and the fused mind - spirit ) within only ONE "area" of the body. In other words, according to them, all happens within DIA rotates around the "head" with the (cold, compassionless, heartless) brain inside it: A recognisable consequence of the dual (dia binary) way of thinking (body - mind, brain - heart, yes - no, black - white, ....) DIA the EMBODYING AND PERMEATION of this dialectical content under consideration with the suitable content of the dialect - matter, inside of the abandoned "black" (creatively empty) hole.
- Just try to imagine the temperature of their head after starting the previously described interactively-creative dia-processes of retrospective recollection and remindance ("heat stroke") in case this is not more evenly distributed to other parts of the body, which absorb and better withstand the effects of heat (stroke). This is just a banal scientific example from everyday reality that speaks of the weakness of the head, as the end result of the ruling scientific dual → bipolar dia binary way of thinking [head - body, brain - heart, mind - soul, yes - no .....].
Either way, the final result of this dia-process is the tendency that there is less and less number of humans (was born). By reconsidering this dialectical content from the methodological perspective, if it was compared such a being, compressed into one-point, to the needed dialectical one, who possesses the suitable spiritual and mindual capabilities, including the (stunted and died off) (cap)abilities of "telepathic" communication on long distances, that is, "head with the brain" (thesis) - "chest with the heart" (antithesis) --> inner DIA the innermost being (dialectical synthesis DIA the renewed ...), it becomes obvious discrepancy between these two concepts of the intellect [in regard with the needed spiritual and mindual abilities and capabilities]. In other words, to function properly, live and creatively act such an imaginative dialectical being, equipped with abilities of the spiritually - mindual intelligence, there is a need for "two points" (thesis - antithesis: The couple dialect) to be feasible MANAGEMENT AND DEALING with such powerful forces in time DIA space, as well as with appropriate initiated dia-processes within such one (empowered) inner DIA the innermost being
- [dialectical synthesis DIA the renewed thesis ... ended with a proper exit, understood in terms of the (successful) resolving all initiated dia-processes].

Bipolar DIA Binary Way of Thinking

Ultimate Upshot of the Rectilinear and Traditional Dialectic Way of Thinking within the Rectilinear Space and Time

Couple Dialect: Thesis DIA Antithesis

Synthese DIA "G" → The Renewed Thesis in the Time DIA Space
I hope, this previously mentioned, especially, when it is reflected through the prism of the dialectical content, expounded in the previous part of this creative article, gave thee an idea, why is it so difficult to manage and deal with such a complex concept of intelligence, such as spiritually - mindual intelligence with the existing level of development of the inner DIA inmost being [NO ENOUGH PLACE: Time DIA space, or eternity DIA infinity, if you so will], understood in terms of the existing achieved level of development of (sub)consciousness DIA conscience of the inhabitants of the earth. Or more simply said, thou cannot life-long move thyself and live in such a state of the spiritual DIA mindual "Deep Blue" approach, that means, being steadily out of the current external living environment. By uttering this dialectical content in the practical terms, this is a similar scenario in time DIA appropriate situation in the available space for the successful operation of a computer, consisting of appropriate hardware ("body") and various software components, where it tries with the existing (old) operating system
- ["the existing level of development of (sub) consciousness"],
which is installed in this hardware ("body"), to run a huge software package (developed and based on "spiritually - mindual intelligence"), and then to spend (waste) the time DIA space waiting (life-long?) to display a visual (functioning) program on the screen. In vain, because the computer is blocked (paralyzed) for one reason or another [coma: it is not even able to send a message, informing what is happening within this world of dialectics]. But fortunately, thou art with thy own time DIA space (inner DIA the innermost being) OUTSIDE this dia-process, so thou can simply turn off thy computer [to get out of this world of dialectics, that is, waking up from this state of coma], and restart it again [new start with a renewed life (session)]. But imagine that it is about the achieved level of development of thy own inner DIA the innermost being, that is, the hardware of this computer (body) including chip and bios with various software components is inside thee, respectively thou art not outside this dia-process, so thou can't solve the problem with simply turning it off-on.
By carefully reading the Holy Books and Scriptures, thou will notice that the emissaries of God never attribute the words written in them to themselves, but rather, being born humble and honest, attribute those recorded words to God and Helpers (Teachers) appointed by Him. I hope that after everything previously elaborated regarding the concept of spiritual DIA mindual intelligence, it is now clearer and more understandable why they do it. In any case, during the creative interplay of time in space (now and there) with space in time (here and now) during the knowledge creation and revival through retrospective recollection and remindance, with their "little" help, initiated dia-processes were successfully resolved each time, that is, it was allowed to get out of this type of "the do-while loop - assemble and disassemble until the started dia-processes are completed". For this reason, the creators of knowledge also never attribute to themselves the possession of such a high level of spiritual DIA mindual abilities. I hope that you have recognized here the crucial role of these invisible inner guides-teachers in creating knowledge with the help of this type of retrospective recollection and remindance.
Concluding this dialectical interactive content under creative consideration, because (s)he does not have full control over these initiated creative-interactive dia-processes, and as a result of it, (s)he is not able SELF (PERSONALLY) to resolve each scenario in time DIA the appropriate situation in space, in connection with the previously considered and explained dialectical content, that is, (s)he depends on the mercy of a higher spiritual force to do it for her, him, (s)he will not attribute to herself, himself the possession of anything that is not truly hers, his [the possession of such extraordinary spiritual DIA mindual abilities and capabilities].